The fight of passion

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Oh I've been crying eating and crying. I never thought the tears would stop, I didn't know where all that water even came from. Phone had been ringing and ringing, I didn't dear to answer, I was scared of seeing Yoongi's name on my screen. After a few days my phone ran out of battery and I quickly forgot about it. I watched movies and sometimes I just sat by my window at looked out on the city, for hours. I wrote down things that had been frying my mind, words that stuck with me. At some point I managed to stop crying. I laid in my bed which had now become the most uncomfortable place to be, but I didn't know where to go. I hadn't been outside for days, there were no point, where was I supposed to go?

My body froze in fear as my door swung open, my body quickly sat up I was terrified that it was a robber or some drug dealer from Yoongi. But for to my surprise it was Tiffany, she stood with an angry face, when she made eye contact with me her face softened and turned to a sad look.

"Why haven't you answered your phone? I thought you were dead" she said as he walked into my apartment and towards me.

"My phone died" I simply answered, laying down in my bed again looking up at the ceiling.

"You look like shit" she said laying down besides me.

"I feel like it too" I answered looking at the ceiling still.

"Will you forgive him?" Tiffany suddenly asked. I quickly sat up, I was ready to hate on Yoongi, tell her that I would never. But something held me back. Tiffany sat up as well.

"I-I don't know" I answered truthfully. I looked down at my hands, tears blurring my vision.

"What's holding you back from kicking his ass?" Tiffany asked slightly jokingly to lighten the mood.

"I don't know" I answered once again. I didn't know what was holding me back from just moving on and forgetting him.

"You know what I think?" Tiffany said looking at me with a grin.

"What?" I asked laughing, wiping a tear away from my cheek.

"I think you really care about him, so much so that you might even love him" she said. Once again I was ready to deny it, but something held me back.

"Shut up"'I said playfully hitting her arm. We both laughed, lights from a car flickered from the road outside of my building. I didn't think much of it, it was probably someone coming home from work late or something. Silence filled the room as our laughed quiet down, both me and Tiffany listen to the footsteps walking up the stairs outside in the hallway. We both looked at each other when the footsteps stopped outside of my door, my whole body froze.

"Do you think it's?" Tiffany asked in a low voice, I shook my head vigorously. Soft knocks came from the door, both me and Tiffany jumped off the bed. I made my way to the door slowly, I took a deep breath before opening the door slightly. My worst nightmare stood outside my door, it was Yoongi. I slammed the door shut.

"What are you doing!" Tiffany yelled in a whisper. I suhed her.

"Candice please, I know you're in there" Yoongi said from the other side of the door.

"Talk to him" Tiffany said, I shook my head once again.

"You'll have to do it at some point" she said, and it was true. I relaxed my body. Tiffany walked towards me and the door, I moved slowly away from the door. Tiffany opened the door slowly making her way out.

"Hi" Yoongi said simply to Tiffany as she walked by him. She gave him a nasty look.

"I don't like you" she said in a low voice as she walked by him. I mentally slapped myself and her. As my eyes landed on Yoongi I only rolled my eyes at him. I let the door stand open as I walked away and to my apartment. Yoongi quickly walked inside of my apartment, closing the door behind him softly.

"Candice? Can I just explain" he said rushing his words. I sat down on the bed looking at him, he was standing a few meters away from me.

"Sure, you've got five minutes" I said in a stern tone.

"It looked really bad, and it was really bad what I did" he started, I sighed. Obviously it was really bad.

"It was all just too much" he said moving his hands over his face.

"What happened?" I asked suddenly sounding worried.

"Madeleine's father, my boss, found out I dumped her, so he said he would drop all my tracks from out upcoming album" he said sounds sad and his face was saying the same.

"And then the drug dealers started fucking up, and said I owed them money, which I didn't" he said sounding like he was both telling the truth and annoyed by it.

"And then the dealers told a whole bunch of people that I was trowing a party, and I wasn't, I wanted to come and surprise you here" he sighed.

"And I was so tired, lonely and the depression just took control over me, I started doing drugs and drink. And when Madeleine started feeling me up, everything that had happened between her and I slipped my mind" he said with sad eyes looking at me. 

"And I'm sorry" he said. I huffed. I got lost in his story for a second there, but I couldn't trust him.

"Please give me another chance Candice" he said looking down at his feet with his hands behind his neck.

"How can I? I don't trust you Yoongi" I said standing up.

"Because I need you Candice, you've changed me" he pleaded. I furrowed my brows at him confused.

"I no longer have the need to drink or do drugs" he said and oh again with the lies.

"You're lying Yoongi" I said raising my voice slightly.

"How many times when we talked over the phone and I wasn't drunk or high? How many times the last few times you came to my house was I drunk or high?" He asked looking at me with his kind eyes that I had missed so much. And he was right he hadn't been drinking during the day lately.

"This Time was only a slip up" he said making me snap my eyes up at him.

"How many of them are you going to have, will you hurt me like this every time you have a slip up" I said crossing my arms over my chest, looking away from him as tears filled my eyes once again.

"No I promise, I promise on my life" he said as he walked closer to me.

"I can't be with you if you don't get help Yoongi, you have to do something about this" I said looking down at my feet as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Whatever it takes to be with you, I'll do it" he said as he pulled me into a tight hug. Oh god I've missed him so much.

Another chapter, updated both stories in two days. It's just been so fun seeing you guy's feedback, with comments and !voting! So thanks ;)

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