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2 Months Later: 

Taylor's POV: 

Tears well in my eyes as I look at the front cover of Gossip magazine. It was a picture of Louis and some Eleanor Calder chick kissing. I hear keys jingle and I toss the magazine in the trash. Maybe I'll just wait for Louis to confess. That never happened...

3 Months Later:

Louis walks in looking exhausted.

'Hey babe. Are you okay?' I ask softly. 

'No, I'm not!' he yells. I jump in fright and take a shaky step backwards. 'Some reporter came up to me and told me that you've been secretly dating Harry for 2 months!'

'You actually believe that?' I ask in shock. 

'Yes, I do! Why wouldn't I? Harry's your ex-boyfriend for God's Sake!' he screams. 

'Well what about you? You're the only one here that's cheated! I never cheated on you!' I yell back. 

'What are you talking about? I never cheated on you! You accuse everyone of things that they don't do bitch!' Louis yells at me. I look at him in shock and he stares back in anger. 

'Yes you did! You cheated on me with this chick named Eleanor Calder! I just left it alone, because I thought that if it was true, than you'd confess and not keep it a secret from the one you opposedly 'love'!' I yell at him. Guilt fills his eyes and I knew that he did actually cheat.

'Look, Tay, I'm so-' I cut him off.

'Sorry's not good enough,' I reply. I push past all of the boys and head upstairs. I stuff all of my things into two suitcases and drag them down the stairs. I walk out onto the curb, ignoring all of the paparazzi. I hail a cab and hand my suitcases so that the man can put them in the trunk. 

'Taylor! Taylor!' Louis yells from behind me. I turn around and stare at him. 'I'm sorry, okay?' 

'You know what? I didn't think you'd actually have the nerve to actually cheat on me,' I chuckle. The whole crowd gasps and Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn look confused. 'I can't believe I thought that you were the guy that I thought I've been looking for for 8 fucking years! But I was wrong. I'm always wrong! I can't put up with you anymore. We're over! And that fake dating thing that we agreed on with management? That's over too!'

I climb into the cab and it speeds down the road. I watch as Louis runs after the car. 

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