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'...She's fallen into a coma,' the doctor says. Relief washes through me, knowing that Taylor isn't dead. 

'When will she wake up?' I ask, glancing at her pale face. 

'We don't know. It could be a day, a month or even a year,' he says sadly. 'I'm really sorry. There's nothing we can do.'

Taylor's POV:

My eyes snap open from the horrible nightmare and I look around to see a doctor who looks like he's just seen a ghost. 

'H-How are you alive?' he asks in shock.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'You've been in a coma for 14 months. I was just about to pull the plug,' he explains slowly, gulping as he tries to take it all in. A doctor comes rushing in and stops, looking at me in shock. I climb out of bed and yank all of the wires off me. 

'Miss, you need to stay in-' I cut him off.

'What I need is to get out of here,' I interrupt, slipping on my clothes and rushing out of the hospital. When I take a step outside, paparazzi swarm around me.

'Taylor! Taylor! I though you were dead!' a paparazzi yells out.

'Taylor! What's it like to be in a coma?!' another yells out. I push past them and hail a taxi before getting it. 


I open the door to the boys apartment. I walk in but stop in my tracks when I see Niall kissing a brunette. All the boys turn to look at me and their faces pale. 

'Niall...' Louis trails off. Niall breaks the kiss and his eyes widen when he sees me. 

'H-how...w-what?' he asks, confused. A sparkle catches my eye and I stare at the girl's hand. 

'Is that my ring?' I ask. Niall looks at the promise ring he gave me on the girl's finger and his face pales. He stands up and takes a step towards me while I take a step back. 

'Taylor, look-' the brunette interrupts him. 

'Who cares if it was your ring? He gave it to me. He doesn't care about you. You can't just waltz in after 14 months and expect him to be waiting for you! He loves me,' she sneers. 

'Brianna, piss off,' Niall growls. She looks taken aback. He turns back to me but I'm already out the door. 

'Taylor! Taylor!' he yells after me.

Niall's POV:

I quickly run after Taylor. How can she be alive? I grab her arm and spin her around. 

'I'm sorry. You were in a coma for 14 months and I-' she cuts me off.

'Decide to take the promise ring that you gave me off of my cold and lifeless finger?' she asks, glaring at me. 

'What was I supposed to do?! It was 14 fucking months Taylor! I wasn't going to just sit around and mourn over you! The world doesn't revolve around you' I yell. Regret fills me after I realize what I just said.

'No, it doesn't! But I didn't think that just because I was almost dead, that you would have the nerve to take my promise ring off of my cold finger and give it to some other girl!' she yells at me, tears streaming down her face. 

'Look Taylor. I'm sorry, okay? It's been 14 months and I just...I couldn't take it anymore. So I tried to move on. Look, I'll break up with Brianna okay?' I plead. Taylor shakes her head.

'No, it's fine. You're happy with her. Just...just forget about me,' she whispers. 

'No, Idon't want her! I want you!' I yell. 'Don't you get it?!' 

'No, don't you get it?!' she yells. 'If I was still in that coma, you'd still be with her! The only reason you've changed your mind is because I'm awake! If I wasn't you'd still forget about me anyway!'

'No, I wouldn't. Please, you've got to believe me,' I beg. 

'No...no. I-I'm done,' she whispers, sobbing. She turns to walk away but I grab her arm and spin her around. 

'I'm not losing you. Not again,' I whisper before slamming my lips on hers. Taylor doesn't kiss back and tears start streaming down my face. I'm not giving up, even if she doesn't want me. I kiss her harder and she gives in, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. I smile into the kiss and slam her against the wall, kissing her furiously. It's like I can't get enought of her. God I've missed this. I miss her voice, I miss her smile, I miss her laugh, I miss her kisses. I just miss everything about her. She pulls apart and takes a step back, avoiding my gaze. 

'I'm sorry,' she starts. After those two words, my heart breaks. She doesn't want me, she doesn't need me. I clamp my eyes close, not wanting to hear the words that'll break me. She grabs my chin and tilts it, but I don't open my eyes. 'Niall, open your eyes. Niall. I love you.'

My eyes snap open and I stare at Taylor.

'W-what?' I stutter. She smiles at me.

'I love you,' she repeats. I grin foolishly at her and pull her into a hug. 

'I love you, too. So, so, so, so much,' I mumble, picking her up and spinning her around. She giggles softly and I quickly kiss her. We make our way back to the apartment, only to be stopped by Brianna.

'Niall, what are you doing?' she asks in her screeching voice. 

'We're over Brianna,' I say firmly. 

'What?' she shrieks. She turns around and glares at Taylor. 'You! This is all your fault you little conniving bitch!'

I take a protective step in front of Taylor.

'Leave us alone Brianna. Before I call security,' I tell her. She glares at me before huffing and stomping off. I quickly turn around. 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine,' Taylor smiles. 'Thanks, babe.'

My heart flutters when she says the word 'babe' and I kiss her softly. She kisses back and it lasts for about 3 minutes. We head back inside and the lads stare at the two of us in curiosity. 

'We're back together,' I announce. A grin breaks across all of their faces. 

'Thank god you're back, Taylor,' Liam sighs. 'I couldn't put up with that screeching bitch for a second longer.'

We all laugh at this and they attack Taylor with a hug. 

'I missed you,' Louis whimpers lightly, looking like a 5 year old who's about to cry because someone stole his ice-cream. 

'I missed you, too Louis,' Taylor smiles. Louis hugs her for a long time before pulling away. 'It's good to be back.'


That's the end. :( This was a happy ending. Yaaayy! I hope you enjoyed and plz follow me or vote. Thanx!!!!!! :):):):):):)

I'll be posting another story soon!!!!!!! Love ya'll!

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