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Taylor's POV:

We're all sitting at the dining table when the doorbell rings.

'I didn't know we were expecting someone,' Liam states, confused. Louis jumps out of his seat and runs like a little kid towards the door. He returns with a brunette and sadness falls over me when I realise that it's that Eleanor Calder chick that he cheated on me with. 

'Oh my god!' Eleanor suddenly squeals, making me jump in fright. I glare at Niall when I see him stifling a laugh. ' You're Taylor Swift! I'm such a huge fan!' 

'Thank you,' I smile. She's really nice. And pretty. No wonder Louis likes her. Maybe I wasn't good enough. 

'Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Eleanor. She's a Hollister model,' Louis grins proudly. 

'Oh my god! That's so cool!' I shriek. 'We could totally go shopping and...'

'Get our hair done!' we both yell excitedly.

'Oh dear,' Liam sighs. 

'Good to know you guys get along,' Louis says, smiling at Eleanor lovingly, making my heart sink a little. But I've got Niall now. And he's way better. 

'Oh, we've got some news as well,' Niall grins, standing next to me. 'Taylor and I are dating!'

Eleanor's POV:

'What's with you?' Louis asks. I turn to him, confused. 

'What do you mean?' Taylor asks, mirroring my expression. 

'First Harry, then me and now our innocent Nialler. What are you going to do, break his heart and then write a new song?' Louis asks harshly. I shoot Taylor an apologetic smile as she tries to hold her tears back. She tries to smile back, but it just collapses halfway through. 

'I'm sorry, excuse me for a second,' Taylor says as a sob escapes her mouth. She runs up the stairs and we all hear a door slam.

'Louis, you stupid idiot!' I yell at him. He looks taken aback. 'You can't just do that for god's sake!' 

'Ele-' Louis gets cut off when Niall punches him square in the face and shoves him to the ground. 

'Fucking jerk! I thought you were my friend. Obviously not,' he sneers before trudging up the stairs after Taylor. I've never seen Niall that angry or hurt before. All the boys shake their heads at Louis disappointedly and head out of the room. Louis stands up and reaches towards me, but I avoid his hold. 

'I'm not talking to you until you apologize. You had no rght to do that,' I say, shaking my head furiously. Anger flashes in Louis' eyes.

'Are you seriously going to let that low life bitch get in the way of our relationship?' Louis sneers. 

'That low life bitch was the girl who thought that you actually loved her! Instead, you tossed her away like a piece of garbage. You're the only low life bitch here Louis,' I whisper at the end. I make my way to the game room where all of the boys are. 

Niall's POV:

I open the door to Taylor's room to see her curled up on her bed and sobbing loudly. My heart breaks at the sight of her and I walk over, wrapping my arms around her as she cries. 

'Taylor, don't listen to him,' I start off with. 

'But it's true. It's all true,' she cries, clinging onto me. 'I'm a bitch for playing with guys like that.'

I turn her around to face me.

'Don't you ever say that,' I say firmly. 'Got it?'

She nods and sniffles before leaning back into me and sighing. I give her a soft kiss before we go to sleep. 


'What do you mean I can't date Taylor?' I yell, furious as I throw the chair across the room. Simon looks at me with a pained expression on his face. 

'Niall, the fans are angry that she's dating you. They think she's just using you to recieve another #1 hit,' Simon sighs. 

'I don't fucking care what the fans think! They don't control my life so they can't choose who I do or don't love!' I yell loudly. 

'You need to break up with Taylor or you need to leave the band,' Simon states firmly. 

'Fine! I quit!' I growl. Simon looks taken aback, but nods slightly. 

Taylor's POV:
'Niall, did you just...?' I trail off. He nods and I frown. 

'You can't do that. This is your dream, your life. You can't give it all up because of me,' I say. 

'But it's all worth it,' he mutters. I shake my head.

'No. Look, if I come in-between you and your dream; then I'm sorry but we can't be together,' I whisper, my voice cracking. 

'No. We'll make it work yeah? I'll figure something out. Everything'll be fine and...and I'll get the band back together alright? I just...I just can't live without you Taylor,' he pleads desperately. He reaches for me but I dodge his hold.

'Niall, if we lived with each other before, we can live without each other now, yeah?' I ask. Tears run down his face and the angry looks on the boys faces slowly turn into pity. I grab hold of Niall's hands. 'Look. I just...I need you to promise you'll stay strong, yeah? Promise me?'

Niall sobs and shakes his head. He pulls me into a hug for about 5 minutes.

'You've gotta let go now Niall,' I say. He shakes his head violently. The boys grab a hold of him and pull him back. He starts screaming loudly, causing everyone on the level to come out of their offices and watch the scene. Even Simon.

'No! Taylor, you can't! DON'T! No! Taylor, please!' Niall screams as he struggles against the lad's grip. 'No! Taylor!'

Tears escape my eyes as I walk out of the building. Paps immediately surround me and I scream, shoving past all of them and sprinting down the street.  

Say I Love You. (Taylor Swift & Niall Horan Fanfic Completed)Where stories live. Discover now