One Way Or Another

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** I now realise, I've stuffed up with the dates, so I'm going to clear it up now!

April was 18 weeks pregnant at the end of the last story, which for those who suck ass at maths like myself, that's 4 and a half months pregnant.

When Harry left April was only 16 weeks pregnant (4 month) okay!

If you need anymore clearing up, just comment! :) **

Aprils POV

Flash back

I could smell fire, that's all I could smell before everything went black. The next thing I know, I'm in the hospital. "What happened?" I asked the nurse who was checking my vitals. "You were in a house fire, dear. Get some rest." She politely smiled before she walked away. "Wait!" I exclaimed. "My baby?" I asked. "You're baby is completely fine." She smiled as she walked away once again.

End of flashback.

Two and a half months later.

That memory replayed in my mind over and over. My baby was fine. The nurse told me. The doctors told me. What happened? How could something like this happen? I'm meant to have a big healthy baby. I'm 6 months pregnant and I have to go in for an emergency c-section. I don't understand why, all I have been told is that the doctors in Holmes chapel missed something with the baby when I was in hospital.

"Hello Miss Rose, I'm doctor Smith and I'll be taking you up to surgery now." Doctor Smith smiled at me while I laid helpless in the hospital bed. I nodded.

He took me up to the operation room and gassed me, I opted to be gassed and put to sleep for the procedure. I thought it would be better for me to not know what was happening until after the surgery.

*40 minutes later*

I woke up in my hospital room. My baby no where in sight. "Where's my baby?" I asked the nurse who was placing flowers in a vase on the desk. "He is in the intensive care until" she said arrogantly. "Why what happened? Is he okay? How did the surgery go?" I asked a billion and one questions. "Look Miss Rose, I'm am not you're doctor. I'm just a nurse, wait until your doctor comes to see you." She said quite rudely. "Excuse me! That is no way to talk to a patient. How dare you speak so rudely." I raised my voice. "Now, if you will go ask my doctor to come see me." I stated clearly enough that she would listen to my request.

I waited and waited for what seemed like hours, turns out it was only ten minutes before Doctor Smith walked in. "How are you feeling, Miss Rose?" He asked. "Please call me April, I'm feeling fine. How's my baby?" I asked. He took a moment to reply. I was getting scared with each moment that pasted. "He's on life support. Your son is very premature, the only way he can survive is on life support." He stated. "C-can I see him?" I asked. "Of course, but you can not hold him nor touch him. He's very tiny and fragile." He said, I nodded as I stood up. "No no no, I'll grab a wheel chair." Doctor smith said. "I can walk. I'm fine." I replied. "No, I'm sorry April. I must get you a wheel chair. You may feel fine but surgery takes a lot out of you." He said before walking out and coming back in with a wheel chair.

He walked me past room after room before he finally came to a halt. "Please brace yourself April, he is in bad shape." Doctor Smith said before we entered. He wheeled me over to my newly born son.

He looked absolutely beautiful, he looks exactly like Harry. I smiled at my little boy who lays in a crib on life support. "What's that thing coming out of his nose?" I asked. "That is a feeding tube to feed him." Doctor Smith says. I continue to look at my baby boy looking helpless. "So what's his name?" A nurse said from beside me. When the hell did she get there? I thought to myself.

I thought for a moment and the perfect name popped into my head. "His name is Harry Edward Styles." I smiled to myself, a perfect name for the perfect little boy. "May I ask why you chose that name?" She asked while fixing up the wires around him. "His fathers name is Harold Edward Styles." I smiled at her. "You mean like the singer out of one direction?" She asked. "I'm sorry who?" I answered her question with another. "One direction, you know, the band?" She asked. " I'm sorry I don't know who you're talking about." I said.

The nurse quickly took out her phone and googled 'one direction' photo after photo popped up on her screen. She showed me the latest photo of 5 boys. Sure enough Harry was one of those boys. "That one." I pointed to the boy with curly hair. "You know Harry?" She asked. "Yes, we are- I mean, we were together. He doesn't know about this little one. I wanted to tell him so bad, his mother wouldn't tell me where he was or how I could get ahold of him. She wouldn't even tell him for me. I guess now I see where he is. He followed his dream." I smiled and wiped a stray tear away from my eye.

"Miss Rose, there is something serious we need to talk about." Doctor Smith said seriously. "Okay, what is it?" I asked. "Miss Rose, April. I'm really sorry to tell you this, but Harry is to premature. There is a very very slim chance he will survive." He said sadly. I looked between doctor smith and Harry. "He's going to survive. I know it, he's strong just like his father. He will pull through this. I have hope." I said proudly. I'm not going to give up on my little boy that easily. I'm going to have hope. I'm going to pray. I'm strong, I will stay by Harry's side. "April, he might not last through the night. I must recommend turning his life support off." Doctor smith said. "No! I will not turn his life support off. If he was not meant to be placed on this earth, he will go on his own behalf, not mine." I said sternly. "Okay April, that's your choice." He said and walked away.

I stayed by my little boys side for hours on end. I watched him twitch, I watched his chest breath up and down. "Come on little buddy, you can pull through this." I said to him.

More hours had past and Doctor Smith came in and checked on Harry. "April. I'm sorry but he's going down hill to fast. I must turn his life support off. It's best for him." Doctor smith said. Several nurses walked in. Doctor Smith started playing with the wires around him.

Beep beep beeep beeeeep. "No. No. NOOO!" I cried. I'm sorry little styles, I'm so sorry I failed you. "This can't be true. This can't of happened!" I said more to myself than to anyone else. "We are sorry April. There was nothing we could do for him. He was to far gone." One of the nurses said.

I was 6 months pregnant. 15th of March 2014 was the day my world fell apart. It was like I had fell from heaven all the way down to hell. I wondered how my life fell apart so fast.

A month and a half ago, I was great. Yes I had lost the love of my life, but things were manageable. Now? I don't see the point in moving forward.

It's over, it's all over. Against my will, they turned the life support off. I cried out in grief. "No." I whispered as I dropped to my knees. My hands covered my face as I cried.


Thank you all for reading the first chapter of the sequel to Never Tear Us Apart- Harry Styles. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!

Please if you have any desire to be a character in the story just comment! I need more characters. 100% chance you will get picked for the characters!

Please vote if you liked this chapter!

Thanks you all once again!

Peace out! ✌️

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