Chapter 7

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Aprils POV

A few months have now passed and I haven't seen Harry since the day he confessed his love to me. He's tried calling and texting me, I just ignore him though. I can't face him just yet. He really hurt me and I'm not going to forgive him that easily. He knew that the first time he apologised.

I'm currently on my way to see his parents. It just happens to be the 6 month anniversary for little Harry's death and they want to see me and see how I am. I think it's just so they can keep an eye on me, on this particular day.

I pulled into the drive way and sighed. I remember the last time I was here. It was when I told Anne I was pregnant. I sighed once again and got out of the car. Anne waited for me on the patio with open arms. "April, darling! How have you been?" She asked with a giant smile. "I've been good. How have you been?" I asked with a polite smile.

She told me the same thing she always tells me which is "I'm wonderful, sweetheart." I walked over the threshold and into the lounge, where I see Gemma sitting on the couch glued to her phone.

"Well hello to you too, miss." I laughed, gaining Gemma's undivided attention. "April!" The happily screams jumping from the couch and pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so happy to see you! How have you been?" She asked, I laughed. "I'm good. Yourself? Any boys gaining your interests?" I wiggle my eye brows which earns a giggle from Gemma. 'Talk later' she mouthed. I nodded.

I walked into the kitchen to see Anne slaving herself over a hot stove. "Anne, why don't you go take a break. I'm sure Gemma and I can finish up." I smiled at her. Anne is always in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. I don't think there has ever been a time where she isn't in the kitchen.

"Are you sure?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "I'm positive." I smile. Anne takes her apron off and hands it to me while Gemma gets another one. "I'll just stay in here and keep and eye on you girls. This is our dinner. I don't want it going all over the floor." Anne laughs. We nod in agreement.

"So why are we making such a large dinner?" I asked Anne. "We are also having some guests over." She smiles at me. "So Gemma, have you told April about how you've been sneaking a boy in at night?" Anne asks Gemma. She freezes on the spot, her eyes as wide as they can be. "I- uhm I-I have no idea what you're talking about mother." Gemma smiles sheepishly. "Oh sure you do, Gem. Don't not tell her just because I'm here." Anne laughs. "So who is he?" I turn to Gemma. "He's-" Gemma began before getting cut off by the door bell. "Oh look the door bell. I'll get it!" She said quickly before rushing off to answer the door.

"Ew what are you doing here?" I heard Gemma jokingly say to whoever was at the door. "Well hello lovely sister." Harry said. Wait, Harry?

"Anne, is our guest Harry?" I asked. Anne smiles. "Maybe." She cheekily says. "Anne, you said he wasn't going to be here." I whine. "You both need to sort whatever happened out. You both love each other, I can see it in his eyes and I certainly can see it in yours." She said.

"You don't know?" I asked, of course she doesn't know. Harry wouldn't tell his mother. Why would he? "Don't know what?" Anne asked. "What happened between Harry and I." I replied. "No, should I?" She said. "Well if you want Harry and I to make up, I think you should." I said. "Okay, continue." Anne smiled. Oh that smile is going to fade in a moment.

"A few months ago, when Harry found me. I had to interview him and his band mates. After they left Harry came back. I told him everything. He got extremely angry, and said it was my fault that Little Harry is gone. He called me a worthless bitch, amongst other things." I said trying to hold back my tears.

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