Chapter 4

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Aprils POV

Today was the day, the day I finally come face to face with Harry. I'm dreading every minute waiting. "Why did I agree to this?" I mumbled to myself. "Oh that's right, because you want him to know how much pain he had caused you." I mumbled again after.

"Miss. Rose, we have One Direction here to see you." Andrea said through the intercom. "Send them in." I replied. I stood up and straightened out my blouse and pencil skirt, I wanted to look more professional than anything.

The door opened and 5 boys walked through. I greeted all of them with a smile. "Please sit." I said gesturing to the 5 seats that sat in front of me. "Hello boys, most of you don't know who I am, my name is April Rose." I said giving them my hand to shake. I came to Harry and pulled my hand back. "Now boys, of course I already know who you are. So why don't we just get to it, yeah?" I asked, the boys nodded with excitement.

"So firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the success of your second album." I smiled at all of them. "How was the tour?" I asked. "It was wonderful, we got to see all these amazing places. Such lovely people all over the world." Louis answered.

"That's great, I do hope you all have such fun. Do you plan to have another tour anytime soon?" I asked. "Well yes. We hope so, although we would love to spend a bit of time with out families." Liam answered.

"Oh yes, being away from your families must be the hardest, how do you deal with it?" I asked. "Well, we always talk to our families when ever we can. We fly them out to wherever we are so they can see us preform." Niall said in his sweet Irish accent.

Moving on from the family and your topic, I asked them a few more questions. The questions I'm about to ask, I dread the most. "So how are your love lives? Any girlfriends for you handsome boys?" I asked. Louis was about to speak for Harry interrupted him. "Not for me, not since my ex. If I do say so myself, I still love her to pieces. I would do anything to get her back." He said sadly. He made my heart ache. As much as I hated him, he made my heart ache that bad I wanted to hug him.

The rest of the boys answered the question, i stayed on the topic for one last question to Harry. "Harry, who is this ex you speak of?" I asked knowing full and well that it was in fact myself. "Her name is April, like yourself. We were together throughout high school. When I left for X-factor, I didn't say goodbye, I didn't even tell her I was trying out for it. We sort of left on bad terms. I regret leaving like I did." He sighed.

Once the interview was finished, I decided to add a few more notes about the boys, after all, I only know Harry personally. We said our final goodbyes and they were on their way.

Finally that was over, I sat at my desk and sighed. I'm glad he didn't make any obvious move towards me. Although knowing that he regrets leaving me like he did, gave me some satisfaction, yet I still find myself angry as hell at him.

I decided to stay late at the office and finish the last few touches on the interview. I must have left the balcony door open because a big gust of wind came through and blew all the papers off my desk.

"DAMN IT!" I yelled. I bent over to pick up the pieces of papers off the floor. "Nice view." The voice I have only heard several times today says. I quickly stand up and turn around to find Harry leaning against the door.

"You're still the same old Harry." I said before going back to picking up the papers. "April." Harry says sexily. No! April, no! "What do you want Harry?" I asked with annoyance. "I want to talk to you about us." He replies.

"Us?" I asked. "There is no us." I continued. "There was, I hope there will be again some day." He said stepping closer into my office. "No Harry, no there won't be. You left me, remember? You left when I needed you the most." I said shakily. "I know I left, I'm sorry. I had an opportunity to follow my dream and I took it. I'm glad I did, because look at me now. I'm living my dream." I said proudly. "You're living your dream? You lost your dream women. You lost me the minute you never answered any of my calls." I said. I was getting sick and tired of his shit now. I was beginning to get angry.

"I know I lost you, I'm here to get you back. I love you April, I always have and I always will. Nothing will ever change that. I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry I left you when you needed me the most." He said. "Wait, how did I leave you when you needed me the most?" Harry continued.

I guess no one even told him. "I was pregnant Harry! I was pregnant with your child!" I don't know why I was raising my voice, I guess I just got angry all of a sudden. "Y-you what?" Harry stuttered. "Pregnant, Harry. I was pregnant." I said again.

Harry collapsed to the floor shaking his head. "When was he or she born? Where is our baby?" He asked. I took a long and silent breath in. I know I should tell him, I want to. I don't want to break down in front of him. I guess there is a time and place and right now seems more fitting.

"He was born on 15th of March, at 6:30pm." I said shakily. Don't break down. Don't break down. I repeated in my head over and over again. "He? Where is he? What's his name?" Harry asked. "Harry, did you know I was in a house fire?" I asked. "Yes, I went to your house in Holmes Chapel and I seen it burnt to ashes, now don't change the subject." He snapped.

"No need to be snappy. I'm getting to the point to explain." I snapped back. "Sorry." Was all he said.

"When I was pulled out of the house, I was rushed straight to hospital. They said everything was fine and that our baby had come to no harm. I was 6 month pregnant when I gave birth to our boy. He was obviously very premature. The doctors had to preform an emergency C-section. He died 13 hours after he was born, due to undiagnosed causes from the house fire. His name is Harry Edward Styles, just like his father." I sobbed. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Harry was silent and stayed silent for what seems like hours. "H-Harry. Please say something." I stuttered. "You! You killed our child! You are the reason our child is dead! I hope you rot in hell, you stupid bitch!" He screamed.

I stood in place shocked and confused while Harry ran out of my office. How was it my fault? The candles. The house fire. Me falling asleep. "Oh god." I clasps my hand over my mouth as the realisation sets in. "It is my fault." I fell to my knees and cried.

I stayed in the same position all night. I didn't move an inch. I didn't see the point in moving, I didn't see the point in living anymore. It was all my fault my baby boy is no longer with me.

Its all my fault.


Harry's POV next chapter! Got to keep the suspense some how. ;)

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