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I backed up to the wall behind me and I sobbed harder. The man slowly walked closer to me, laughing at me. "Such a pathetic little girl." He snarled. His hands reached for the bottom of my shirt, he began to pull it up. I tried to move further away, but I was unsuccessful. "No! Please stop! I'll do anything, just go away!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry princess, no-can-do." He laughed evilly in my ear. "You are going to help me whether you like it or not! Your parents did this, now you will suffer the consequences" he growled

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Someone yelled from the other side of the alleyway. "Help me!" I muttered. "Shut up bitch!" The man said as he slammed my head against the brick wall.

Please check out my new story, Where It All Began H.S !!!!

This is only the beginning of this story so please read it give me some tips on how to improve and please please show me some lovin' by VOTING on the new story!

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