Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

Here we are, at the end. The end of all ends. I'm hoping god is here with me on this day. The day I make April my wife. The day my life starts and I give my whole body, soul and world to the women I love.

Oh who am I kidding? We aren't getting married. However it feels like we are give each other the world. Today is the day we tell the world we are together. We've been off tour for a month or so now, the paparazzi are getting all over us again, we haven't confirmed nor denied our relationship since the paparazzi bombarded us at the hotel. We ignored all questions involving a relationship. Now, we are ready on our own terms.

"Harry, let's go!" April yelled. "I'm coming I'm coming!" I laughed. We all got in the car and drove to Simons office, that is where we are having the press conference. Don't ask me why it's a press conference, I don't understand why we couldn't just announce it in the magazine.

After some time we arrived. "Hurry along." Simons assistant hurried. "Well goodmorning boys and girl." Simon smiled. We all said our good mornings and took our place at the stand. "Why do we have to be here?" Louis whined to Simon. "Because you're apart of the band, their relationship affects you all." Simon said before taking his place.

"Goodmorning ladies and gentleman, I understand you all have questions to ask. So please one at a time. We will start from front row." He announced in the speaker.

A few questions had been asked, although they weren't as bad as I thought they would be. "April, is it true you and Harry have a past?" A reporter asked, I looked at Harry as the memories flow back. "Yes, we do." I replied. "Why did it end?" The next reporter asked. "It ended over something very stupid." I said sourly. "Is it true you and Harry have a child together." Was the next question. I took a breath in as a silent tear rolled down my face. "That topic is not up for discussion." Harry intervened. "Why? Because she killed your child?" The reporter yelled.

I saw Harry's face grow with anger. "How dare you speak like that! April did not kill our child. Our child had problems and didn't make it. It was not Aprils fault. Thank you that is all." Harry growled through the microphone. Harry gently grabbed my hand and led me away from the reporters.

"I'm so sorry babe." Harry hushed in my ear as he cradled me while I cried. "I killed our baby." I cried. "No your didn't babe. It wasn't your fault." He whispered softly.

2 months later.....

Everything has calmed down since the day with the reporters. For the first month we were on the cover of every magazine, surprisingly even mine. There were nasty articles, there were nice ones as well. Harry decided it was best to make the rude reporter suffer by getting him fired. I didn't agree with it, however he went ahead with it anyway.

"Babe, are you awake?" Harry asked as he walked into our bedroom. "Yeah." I said just staring at the ceiling. "I brought you breakfast." He smiled handing me the plate of bacon and eggs. "Thanks." I smiled at him.

I ate in bed while Harry was down stairs keeping the boys entertained. I finished eating and stood up from the bed. A rush of nausea hit me. I rushed to the bathroom and brought to my breakfast. "Babe, are you okay? I heard you be sick." Harry asked from the other side of the door. "I'm fine, your cooking made me sick." I groaned.

"I'm sorry." Harry said through the door. "It's okay." I said as I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Harry looking at my diary. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I just seen it open. You've been feeling sick for a while?" Harry asked. "Don't lie to me, I read it." He quickly said. "Yes, I've been feeling sick." I admitted.

"Babe, when was the last time you had your period?" He asked. I thought for a moment. I looked into Harry's eyes. Shock is clear on my face. "Come one, let's do to the doctors." He said.

We got into see the doctor straight away, which was wonderful. "Well Miss Rose, I've done the blood test. I would like to do an ultrasound just to have a look around. If you don't mind." Dr. Martin said. "Do what ever you have to" Harry quickly spoke before I could answer.

Dr. Martin done the ultrasound while making grunts and noises. "Well, it looks to be pregnancy. Congratulations." He said with a smile. My jaw fell open and my eyes went wide. I looked at Harry to see the same expression on his face.

"I'm pregnant."


Sorry it's taken a while for an update. I hope you enjoyed it.

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