Chapter 16

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Aprils POV

"How could you Harry! I trusted you!" Nicole cried as she paced around the room. "Nicole I'm-" "NO! Harry, no! Don't you dare tell me you're sorry. You're not sorry. I knew when we got together that you loved her. The way you looked at her, the way you spoke to her. The way you even acted around her. So don't you dare say you're sorry." Nicole screamed at him. "Nicole, please just stop. Let me explain." Harry said stepping closer and closer to her as he said each word. "Explain what, Harry? Explain how you ended up in bed with her? Explain how you never loved me? Explain how it was always her? Please save me the pain." She cried. "Nicole, I'm sorry." I spoke. "You're sorry? You're sorry you slept with the man you love? Don't be sorry." She laughed.

Nicole started to laugh that hard she had tears streaming down her face. "Louis, get out here and explain." She said trying to take a breath. Louis walked out with a grin plastered on his face. "Explain what?" Harry asked, confusedly. "Harry, April. Sit down. Harry remember how you met Nicole?" Louis asked. "Yeah, it was through you." Harry said. "Exactly, I hired Nicole to help get you and April back together. Nicole acted as if she was the worst girlfriend ever to push you into Aprils arms pretty much. You're whole relationship with Nicole was a sham." Louis laughed uncontrollably.

"Wait, so you're saying that Nicole was acting the whole time?" I asked. "I'm a pretty great actress." Nicole laughed. "Louis, I hate you so god damn much, you made me feel guilty to the point I was going to leave so I didn't have to see Harry. So this thing between Harry and I wouldn't happen again. God, I hate you!" I yelled.

I stormed out of the hotel room, I honestly don't know why I'm so angry, god maybe I'm due for my monthly shark week. I angrily pressed the elevator button and awaited for the 'ding' signalling that it has arrive. As I was about to step into the elevator, I was pulled back just as quickly. "Wait." Harry's voice rang in my ears. "What Harry?" I snapped. "Calm down." He said sternly. "Calm down? Calm down! You're telling me to f.ucking calm down. Are you kidding me, they f.ucking lied to us Harry." I yelled throughout the hall of the hotel we were staying in.

A vigorous was heard from Harry lips. "Look at the good things, one- we no longer have to sneak around. Two- we can tell the world. Three-" I waited from him to continue but instead of words coming from his mouth, his lips smashed onto mine. Our kiss wasn't soft nor was it hard, it was perfectly blissful. Every inch of anger fell to my feet. "Three- I love you." Harry continued once he had broken away leaving my lips red raw.

"I love-" I began before getting cut off by Harry pulling my arm. "Harry what are you doing?" I scolded. "Run." He ordered. We began running in the direction of our hotel room door. "Why are we running?" I asked.

"Harry." Someone shouted. "April! Back here." Another shouted, I looked back to see several paparazzi's chasing Harry and I. "That's why." Harry stated as we legged it for the door.

Harry opened the door and dragged me in. "Thank god." I sighed. "Thank god, you say! Thank god? April are you kidding me. Now they know our hotel room. Now they are never going to let us have our privacy. Now they will not leave until they get what they want." Harry yelled.

"Why are you yelling!" I screamed at him. "I don't know. I'm sorry." He sighed. "What does who want?" Liam asked as he and the others walked out of the kitchen. "Paparazzi. We can't go out, they found out hotel room." I sighed as I sat on the couch. "Well what do they want?" Zayn asked. "Obviously they want to talk to April and I. They just caught us kissing near the elevator. Hopefully the didn't hear our conversation." Harry said looking towards me.

"You could actually fit in a conversation while kissing? Jesus boy, you have talent." Louis laughed. "Not the time Lou." Harry said shaking his head. "Well give them what they want. It's as simple as that." Niall said. "Fine." Harry muttered.

Harry rummaged around the room trying to find god knows what. After about 10 minutes he finally found what he was looking for. "AHA!" He yelled. "stop looking everyone, I've found it." He said as he walked out of the kitchen. "All that for a pen and paper?" I asked dumbfounded. "Yep." Harry laughed.

He casually wrote something and slid it under the hotel door. We waited several minutes before the note slid back under. "What did you say?" I asked. "I just told them to make a single file line and we will come out and talk." Harry smiled like it was his biggest achievement.

"You really think they will listen once we get out there?" I asked.

Harry took my hand and led me to the door. Harry and I stood before they door looking at each other.

"Nope." He said with an evil laugh.


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, here one to for fill the needs.

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