Chapter 10

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Hey all! Sorry I haven't updated my internet is being stupid once again!

But don't worry I'm back!

How did you all like the last chapter? Give me your thoughts and ideas on how to improve!

Did you all hear about the author of "After"? Simon paid a lot of money to rights of that story! Congratulations to her, if the rumour is true!


Aprils POV

Today is the day we leave to go on tour! I'm excited to see the amazing places around the world! I've never left England before so, this is going to be one amazing experience and best of all, I get to spend it with my 5 best friends!

I haven't yet spoken to Harry about him saying he loves me last night, I don't know if i will either. I know he loves me as a best friend, I also know he loves me in a 'I want you to be mine' kind of way. Don't get me wrong, I do love Harry. I just don't love Harry in the 'I want you kind of way'.

I think the boys planned for me to come on tour to make me realise that I do love Harry. I don't think it's ever going to happen, but who knows. Only time will tell, I guess.

"Come on April!" Louis happily yelled from the doorway of the tour bus. I stood glued to the spot staring in awe at the way over sized bus. "Come on, come on, COME ON!" Louis screamed, he was now pushing me from behind up the stairs of the bus.

"Wow." I kept repeating to myself. "Do you like it?" Harry asked popping his head out of one of the bunks. "Like it? I love it, I wish I could permanently live in one of these, it's huge!" I exclaimed with a laugh.

"Guess what the best part of the bus is?" Liam smiled from beside me. "What?" I asked happily. "Because you will be writing about the tour, Simon thought it would be a great idea for you to have your own room with a study area." Niall piped up. "Are you serious!" I jumped up and down. Can this bus get any better?

"Alright, alright. That's enough now." I heard a strong voice from behind me. I turned to see Simon standing in the doorway with a smile. "I'm glad you like it, but we have business to attend to." His lips perked up into half a smile. "Yes, of course!" I recovered myself from the excited state I was in.

We all sat down so we could talk about the tour and my work. We covered all the basis about security, the fans, curfews when we aren't travelling in the bus. "Now April, obviously you have some different sets of rules and security measures. Because you have been hanging around the boys for some time now, you are well publicly know. You will have your own security guards." Simon gestured to the two men standing behind him.

"This is Alex and Cory. These two gentlemen will help you enter and leave the venues and while you are out in public with the boys or by yourself. They will be with you at all times, except when you are either in the hotel rooms or on the bus." Simon finished. I greeted the two body guards and smiled.

"Okay now, that is all. Please have fun and don't get into to much trouble!" Simon said while looking between Harry and Louis. Oh yes, I forgot the boys told be those two like to get into a lot of trouble while on tour.

"This tour is going to be one of the best yet!" All the boys exclaimed!

After everyone got settled in, the bus started moving on it's journey. This is it, we are finally on the move. The tour starts in England and than moves around the world from there.

"Next stop, Southampton!" Harry yelled in excitement.

After hours upon hours of drive to Southampton, we finally made it. We pull up behind the venue and exit the bus. Thank god there are no fans just yet. It's currently 2pm and the boys have sound check. I decided to grab my laptop and get a head start on the article for the magazine. I sat at the front of the stage and watched a bit while the boys done their sound check.

I made a new file in my laptop and labeled it 'sound checks' and done the same for the venues and the bus shenanigans. I'm going to write about everything.

The boys started with one of the most loved songs from the very beginning of their career, what makes you beautiful.

I smiled and started to work while I listened. Every now and then I would look up to see the boys having fun.

'17th of June 2014 was the first day of the amazing one direction boys tour, I'm currently sitting an the arena in Southampton watching the boys do their sound check. To say it's entertaining is definitely an understatement. The boys of one direction definitely know how to make everything fun. I can see just from my position now that the boys love what the do.'

"It's not much now, but it will get there. I have 9 months to finish this." I said to myself. Sound check has finished, Harry and Louis came up and sat next to me while the other boys go for a shower. "So how did you like it so far?" Louis asked with a smile. "You boys were amazing. I can't wait to see the actual show! Also while I have you boys here. I would like to ask a few questions for my article." I said, the boys nodded and I began throwing out random questions about the tour.

"So how do you like having myself on the tour with you guys?" I asked.

Louis; it's amazing. It's like having a 6th person in the band, except you don't sing with us, you get to be involved in all our other activities and mishaps.

"What was the first sound check like?"

Harry; It was exhausting, but worth it. I'm so excited to see all of our fans beautiful faces when they see what we have planned for them, it's going to be a beautiful sight!

"Who are the opening act for you guys?"

Louis; The opening act is a very big surprise! The fans will love it, it's all apart of the big surprise for them!

"Alright guys, thank you for that! Now go shower, you both smell horrible!" I laughed while holding my nose. "Yes ma'am!" Harry saluted cheekily. I playfully glared at him while he and Louis walked away.


That night they boys went on stage and amazed the crowd! "That was amazing, congratulations boys!" I congratulated them as they ran off stage and engulfed me in a sweaty ground hug. "Alright guys! You're all sweaty!" I exclaimed as I tried to crawl out of the group hug. "Okay, fine. We have to go for a shower anyway." Louis smiled at me. I mentally thanked Louis.

As the boys walked one way, I began to walk another. That was until I heard my name being called, I turn to see Harry running up to me. "Hey." He smiled. "Hey." I repeated the exact word he said. "I don't think this is meant to be this awkward." He said out of the blue. "I know. Do you regret it?" I found myself asking. "No not at all. I just, I just wanted to tell you that I know how you feel about it and I think it was nothing as well." He said. "Okay, good now we are on the same page." I laughed.

Harry and I walked in silence to the changes rooms. It wasn't an awkward silence it was a content silence, it was nice. "I have a date tonight." Harry blurted out. I froze. "O-okay. Y-you're telling me this why?" I said regaining my words. "You're my best friend." He confirmed. "Yeah. So whose your date with?" I asked

"Taylor. Taylor Swift"

You've got to be kidding me? I thought to myself. Out of all the people in the world, he chose Taylor Swift. "Oh wow, congratulation." I falsely smile. "Good luck" I sheepishly smile.

If only that boy knew what he was getting himself into.


I'm so so so so so so so sorry for the wait, I swear to you all I'll try not to update late again!

Okay- just so you all know, I have nothing against Taylor Swift, but for this story she needs to be the way she is. ;)



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