Chapter 11

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I have decided to change 'Harry's girlfriend' from Taylor swift. She will no longer be in the story!

Harry's girlfriend is Nicole, she's a 19 year old Actress. Her personality traits are; mean, snarky, whiny, nagging.


I know I said 4 votes and 2 comments, but I just really want to update, I'm in a writing mood. Haha!



Harry's POV

It's been three months since the tour started we've been all over England, our next stop is Australia! The boys and I are excited to be back in Australia, April on the other hand is ecstatic to be seeing Australia, I know she has always wanted to come over here.

"Baby, come back to bed!" Nicole, my amazingly gorgeous girlfriend said. "Okay baby, I just need to wake the boys up, they have an interview at 11am." I smiled at her.

I knocked on all the boys door and said they have to get up, I saved Aprils door until last. I hears soft snores coming from the inside indicating that she was in fact still asleep. I slowly opened the door and peaked in. She was sprawled out all over the bed with the blanket wrapped tightly around her.

"April, you need to get up." I whispered soothingly in her hear. April moaned and rolled over to the other side of the bed. Yeah, she was never a morning person. "April, the boys need you today remember." I said a bit louder near her ear. "Go away." She groaned. "That's it." I said, I got a tight grip on the blanket and yanked it out from around her leaving her on the bed with nothing coving her. "Harry Edward Styles. I hate you!" She said annoyance clear in her voice.

I smiled down at her before leaving the room with the blanket. Walking into the lounge I put Aprils blanket on the lounge chair and walked back into my room. "What are you doing?" I asked Nicole, as soon as I seen her out of bed. "Well you took to long, so now I have to get out of bed and get dressed for this satellite interview with my manager." She huffed. Nicole is an up coming actress, she's that great everyone wants her to play a part in their movies. "I'm sorry I took so long." I said as I snaked my arms around her waist. "You should be!" Nicole said angrily.

I groaned and sat on the bed while I intently watched her get ready. "What time will you be done? We have a date remember?" I asked. "How the hell should I know Harry! God you frustrate me!" She said before stomping out of the bedroom. "Bye!" She yelled. "What no kiss or hug?" I asked myself. "I guess not." I sighed.

Things with Nicole were great to begin with. She was fun, loving, energetic. Don't get me wrong, things are still like that, she just get moody a lot more and she get extremely jealous of April and I. I don't know why, yes I still love April but I've come to accept that April and I will never be together, so I have to move on.

Now it's just me here all by myself, the boys and April have left, so has Nicole. Finally I'm alone, I can finally go out and run some errands. I quickly put on my Vans and head out. Since I'm by myself I decided to grab Paul to come keep me company.

I knocked on his hotel room door. "Hang on!" I heard Paul yelled along with some shuffling on the inside. "Quick hide!" I heard a hushed yell. Within no time Paul opened the door. "Harry, god. What are you doing here? I thought you had an interview?" Paul asked clearly out of breath. "Actually no, but I was wondering if you would like to join me while I run a few errands?" I said hopeful, I don't want to go out by myself, I'll get mobbed. "Sure just give me 10 minutes." He said. I nodded and walked down to the lobby and waited near the elevator.

After 15 minutes I started looking around. Where the hell is this man! I looked around once more when my eyes caught sight of Paul and a- a women? Oh god! No, Paul.

After a very awkward car ride to a major shopping centre in Brisbane, I finally found a shop I am looking for. Paul and I walk in while people eye me off. "Hello sir, can I help you with anything?" The worker asks. "Yes, I'm looking for a beautiful ring." I smile. "Right this way, we have a beautiful selection." The worker says and leads the way to a cabinet with amazing amount of beautiful rings. "That one!" I say pointing to a ring with a silver band and a blue diamond.

"Harry, we need to go now!" Paul said sternly. "Yeah, just wait." I said as I paid for the ring. "NO now!" Paul yells. I turn to look at him and see a group of paparazzi. "Oh great." I mumble. I grab the ring and thank the work before I run next to Paul.

We made it to the car in no time. "Great, watch that be all over the magazines within the next hour." I huff. "You might want to explain to Nicole what happened." Paul said while his eyes are still on the road. I nod my head in agreement.


SORRY ITS BORING, it's just a filler chapter, though, who is the ring for?

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