Cap's Daughter (Peter P.)

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Y/N's pov

I was walking down the hall with my two friends, Ned Leeds and Peter Parker, the kid who I have a crush on. Luckily, Peter is not that crush from afar. I know his secret though. Known it since the day my favourite superhero joined Tony's side and stole daddy's shield.

Yep, I'm Captain America's daughter, a.k.a Mind Slayer, the Avenger who can teleport and use telekinesis (A/N: idk man sjsksjsk). No one knows Mind Slayer is Captain America's daughter, because unlike the other Avengers, I can keep my identity from going out. When I applied to Midtown High School, daddy said to have my name as Y/N L/N so that no one knows I'm Captain America's daughter, not even the teachers.

Although the principal knows I'm Captain America's daughter, he doesn't know I'm Mind Slayer, and none of the teachers know my real identity, especially that gym teacher who puts on those videos with daddy in them. Weird.

Anyways, it's almost gym, and I'm walking with Peter and Ned, since we already changed into our gym clothes. I've heard all those questions Ned asked Pete, and sometimes, while I try to make it seem like I didn't hear them, It's hard not to laugh. To be honest, ever since Ned knew Peter's secret, he kinda brags about it and it slightly annoys me.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you even listening?" Ned asked. "What?" I lied. Peter and Ned have been whispering softly so that I couldn't hear them talking about Pete, but they couldn't do it well enough. "Nothing. Hey, aren't you friends with Liz? Could you talk to her to distract her?" Peter asked. I know he said that so that I could leave and not hear him and Ned talking about Spider-Man. "Wow Peter, it sounds like I'm only your friend cause I'm friends with Liz." I sarcastically gasped. "No, no! Um, it's just that, y-you're conveniently Liz's friend." He stuttered. It was kind of funny to see. "Sure, Parker, sure." I said laughing.

We finally arrived at gym. We were watching a video with daddy in it, and I was sitting beside Ned. "Did you meet him?" He asked Peter. "I stole his shield." Pete whispered back. "You might've stolen Captain America's shield, but I'm his freaking daughter." I accidentally whispered. "WHAT?!?!" Ned whisper-yelled at me. Oh god, this'll take some explaining to do. "I'll explain later." I said to him.

When gym ended with Pete and Ned being invited to Liz's party, Ned ran up to me, surprised. "What did you say back there?" "Come with me." I grabbed his arm and took him to a hall with no one in it. While walking in that hall, we teleported behind a tree in the schoolyard. "WHOA, WEREN'T WE JUST- HOW DID YOU-?" Luckily, school ended. "Ned, I'll have to explain everything to you now. Get ready. Okay?" I said facing him. "Yea, okay." He said after taking a few deep breaths.

After explaining everything to Ned, he had one question in his mind. "I understand I can't tell anyone, but what about Peter?" He probably thought it was weird that I'd tell him and while Peter is part of our sQuAd, he's also a superhero. "Him too." I said seriously. "What? Why?" He seemed really confused. "Because I don't know if he's still a threat to dad." "Oh, okay then." "Thank you so much, Ned!" I said hugging him.

"NED! Y/N!" We turned around to see Peter frantically looking for us. "OVER HERE!" I yelled. "Why'd you guys leave me there? I looked through the entire school." He said sadly, confused as to how we got all the way here without him detecting us. "Nothing, just talking about stuff." I said looking at Ned so that he doesn't say anything. "Okay then... Let's go to my house!" "Okay." Ned and I responded at the same time.

While walking, Ned kept asking me questions. "Can you read minds?" "No." "Can you teleport to anywhere on this universe?" "I don't know." "What was the heaviest thing you lifted with your mind?" "A building." And so many more.

"We're here!" Peter said. Just then, Ned's phone went off. "Oops guys, I have to go. I'm sorry, bye!" He said before running off, but I swear he winked at us. "Bye!" Pete and I said. "Shall we go in?" He asked, holding the door like a gentleman. "We shall." I smiled and walked in.

"Aunt May! I'm here with Y/N/N!" Peter yelled out. "Okay!" May said. "Y/N/N?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Tony?" I asked. I turned around the corner to see Tony sitting with May. We ran up to each other and hugged. "How's my favourite superhero doing?" He asked "I'm good! How are you?" I asked. "I'm good too. I've reunited with my favourite Roger!" "Why are you here? I know you came here a couple of months ago, but why now?" I could see Peter giving me a confused look, probably asking how I knew this. "Come, you two. The kid's room." He said pointing to Peter's room, not before looking at May, his eyes asking for permission, in which she nodded.

"Okay, Y/N, how do you know Mr. Stark personally?" Peter asked once we entered the room. "Cause I do, now shush." I said back a little bitterly, knowing whatever Tony's about to say will be important. "Well, perfect timing that you're here cause I needed you too, Y/N. Your dad's in trouble. Again. We need to help him." Peter said. "Dad? Well, I'm here to help! Peter? What do you say?" "Oh, um, sure." He gulped. "Great! I'll let you two talk while I talk to May about taking Peter with me again. Bye Y/N/N! See you soon!" Tony said. "You too! Bye!" I replied to him before he walked out the door and closed it.

When I turned around, I saw Peter looking at me expectantly. "Okay, what was that?" Peter asked. "Peter... I kinda kept a secret from you..." I said, but Peter just laughed. "Yea, I think I could tell. What is it?" He asked in a concerned tone. "My name is Y/N Rogers. I'm Captain America's daughter. I'm the one you know as Mind Slayer. I just told Ned this when you were looking for us cause I accidentally whispered something. I'm sorry for hiding this from you." I admitted while Peter looked at me shocked. It took him some time before he said something. "Oh, um, it's okay! You're a superhero! It'll be bad if someone knew your identity! I'm happy you told me at least and we're gonna help Cap!" "Yea..."

"Hey, look at me." He told me while I was looking down. I looked up at him to see that he walked closer towards me. "It's okay. Your father's okay. We're all okay. No need to worry." He said, looking straight in my eyes. We looked into each others' eyes and smiled. We both started leaning in and soon enough, we shared a kiss. The kiss was slow, short, and the best thing that's happened to me since so long.

"I've always wanted to do that." He blushed. "Me too." I blushed too, smiling at him. "Now, you should go. Don't want you to be in trouble, it's been like 2 hours." "Oh, yea. Bye Peter!" I said, but then Peter stopped me at the door. "Wait!" He exclaimed, speed walking towards me. "Yeah?" I turned towards him only to see him being a blushing mess. "Um, a-are we official now?" He stuttered cutely. "Yea, hopefully! Good night Pete!" I said kissing his cheek. "Bye!" He said before I left.

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