Part 2: Psychotic meets paranoid

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Tamar's POV

Kyle was going through withdrawals. That was the most annoying thing about working with him.

"She's going to know it was me. I know she will. She's going to know. Andy's going to be holding onto her like a pair of skinnies."

I got extremely agitated and called up his dealer.

"Listen, just bring me two bags of ice so this paranoid idiot can shut the eff up."

I didn't like swearing. I had a bit of ice here and there but I did smoke and drink heavily - and it all went sour when I ran away from the mental institute.

I love Andy; I honest to God love him. I just didn't want him to leave. He said he wasn't happy and that I emotionally and mentally abused and blackmailed him. I didn't see how he'd reach that. Our relationship was perfect in my eyes. He always did what I told him to and when he couldn't do it right away, I'd shed a few tears and get my way.

It really hurt when he refused to get a tattoo of my name. I had his name tattooed running from the top of my elbow on the inside and I wanted him to get one too but he flat out refused.

The day he left me, I did what I did whenever I did when he got too cocky with me. This time I used the back of a frying pan though. He was out long enough for me to tie him to a chair with duct tape. I also did his mouth - just in case he thought he'd get away by screaming for help.

When he came around I stood in front of him with a sharp knife. He was going to stay and he would love me no matter what.

"So, you refused to get my name tattooed on you after I went through all of this?" I pointed at my ink that read "ANDY" in a cursive script going down vertically.

"I'm just going to have to give you a homemade one. Sorry sweetie, I don't have any actual anesthetic or tattoo machine but I figured my initials as scars would do."

I cut into his arm writing a eloquent T at first, then wrote another initial, a J."

He looked up at me clearly in pain and said,

"Your last name doesn't start with a J."

"Oh no sweetie, that's because when we're married I won't have to get it removed and redone."

"I would never dream of marrying someone as repulsive and mentally unstable as you Tamar. Get that into your thick, deluded mind."

That's when there was a knock on the door and I peered out the window. The rest of Lycan Lark were outside. Joe, Nick and Trevor were now banging on the door to get in.

Nick shouted to me from outside:

"Tamar, we are here with the cops and we know you have Andy. He sent us all a text to be here by 7 with the cops if we hadn't heard from him by then. Whatever you're doing, give it up and you can get help but you need to let Andy go now!"

I thought silently in my head. Damn I hadn't planned on this happening now or ever. I slashed another T and J into the tops of his thighs and hit him as many times as I could where I knew bruises would show up.

I opened the door up and stood there with the bloodied knife.

"Anyone wanna go next?"

It was then I heard the police.

"Ma'am, we're going to need you to surrender your weapon and walk slowly towards us with your hands clearly visible."

Mhhhmmm... "Now now Mr. Officer - no need to get all violent on my ass."

She walked towards the cops and stabbed Nick in the stomach then dropped immediately to the floor - missing the bullets that sprayed all over. Joe took one in his shoulder and Trevor was lucky to miss everything.

I had left the knife in Nick's stomach and walked to the cops with my arms raised and went off amicably.

I was shortly thereafter declared certifiable. It was all a ruse, an institute is much easier to escape than a prison.

Now, here I was. Determined to get that cow Raymeera or Maria or whoever away from him and I had someone who would assist me with it. If he didn't bug out.

Ray's POV

I knew he would find me eventually. I just hoped the dyed brunette hair and clear complexion would leave him questioning if it really was me or not. Turns out, he knew.

This would mean me having to explain the past to him. I did this while we were cleaning what was red paint - thankfully - and not blood off the walls.

"Okay, so my real name is Maria Moniz and I am, originally, from Portugal. My parents moved to South Africa when I was ready to go to school so I could be afforded an equal opportunity at being well educated. This was when I was six. When I was nine, my father got very ill and was diagnosed with stomach cancer. My mom raised my brother Paulo and me by herself until I fell pregnant with Kyle's baby. Kyle was great at first then I found out he was a drug addict and alcoholic. My brother also hung himself because of the pressure he had trying to defend me. The more and more I became involved with him, the more possessive he became. He started becoming physically abusive when he was drunk and high and pushed me down a flight of steps. I broke my arm, my nose and I miscarried the baby. He blamed that all on me of course. It was shortly thereafter I got out. I took my passport and a bag of clothes and all the money I had hidden and fled to the States where I hid for a while doing low pay jobs like waitressing and stuff until my hair was long. I then dyed it black - I'm naturally a strawberry blonde. When I was virtually unrecognizable I started auditioning for gig's and here I am now. You probably want to leave me and I would understand that even though it would hurt me a lot, I would let you go so you wouldn't have to deal with it."

A/N this is where I am cutting this chapter off - I'll keep you in suspense a little bit. Hopefully the second installment of the Complex series is agreeing with you! Read, enjoy and vote!

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