Scene 88: Turncoat

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Sutton and Reed stand in an access spine, Sutton is bouncing anxiously and Reed has his arms crossed. Sutton keeps glancing around like they expect something to jump out at them at any moment.

Reed: [mild annoyance] Could you stop fidgeting.

Sutton: [looking at him] Reed, this is gonna end very badly, like-like, very badly.

Reed: [rolling his eye] Look, we're going to be fine. [looking at them] We've got a failsafe, remember? [looking back at the elevator door] Absolutely nothing to worry about.

Sutton: [unconvinced] Mmm... [looking at the door] If you say so...

Sutton continues to fidget. Reed's eye twitches.

Reed: [starting to pace] Ugh, what's taking so long?

Sutton: [looking at their phone] We were a little early...

Reed: Pretty sure hostage situations aren't something you show up fashionably late to.

Sutton holds up their hands in a 'calm down' gesture. The lift dings and the door opens. Out step two golems, and Delta.  Both Reed and Sutton look visibly disquieted, but Reed covers it better.

Reed: [recomposing himself] Took you long enough.

Prometheus, through a golem: Patience is a virtue, Reed.

Sutton: [looking past them into the lift] Where's Frogger?

Reed: [talking at Delta] Yeah, there seems to have been a mix up. [holding his hand up, pantomiming Frogger's height] We ordered someone a little shorter, [making a 'small' hand gesture] a little less murderous.

The golems move around Delta, flanking Reed and Sutton, who turn defensively to keep eyes on them.

Prometheus: Seemed only polite to have someone familiar greet you at the door.

Reed: [looking at the golem ready to start swinging] Yeah, well, Frogger's plenty familiar. [glaring at Delta] Where is he?

Delta looks at them wordlessly for a moment, then turns to gesture towards the elevator, beaconing.

Prometheus: Why don't you come inside?

Sutton: Uhh...

Reed: Oh Hell no.

The golems step forward threateningly, growling lowly and getting both Reed and Sutton's attention. Sutton takes a step back, Reed half of one.

Reed: We have deal, Prometheus...

Prometheus: Before this is over, I would like that chip in my hand.

The golems loom menacingly. Delta makes his way back to the elevator.

Prometheus: Come now, your friend's having a little trouble. We wouldn't want him to have any accidents on the way out.

Brief glaring contest.

Reed: [false smile] Alright. [spinning on his heel, making for the elevator] I guess we can stop by for a bit.

Sutton: [low, concerned, following] Reed?

Reed: [low] Failsafe.

Reed stands smack dab in the middle of the elevator, while Sutton stands as far from the golems as possible, and Delta presses the button.

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