Scene 96: Clean Slate

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Sutton passes through the doors of the FU research building. A couple officers are talking with the people at the desk and Sutton eyes them apprehensively as they make their way towards the genetics labs, doing their best to look innocent and indifferent. The person at the desk points. They come over and stop them anyways.

Officer 1: Mx. Riviera? Could we have a word?

Sutton looks at them, eyes worried for a brief second before they coach their expression back to indifference. They nod. The officers lead Sutton to what looks like an empty staff break room. The clock above the door moves forward like an hour and Sutton comes out. They make their way to the Genetics lab, where Doreen is working and Jeff is on his phone. They look up as Sutton enters.

Doreen: Hey! How'd it go?

Sutton: [moving to their work station] As well as a police interrogation can, I guess... [turning on their computer] I don't think they're planning to arrest me.

Doreen: [concern] You were in there a long time...

Jeff: [not looking up from his phone] What'd you expect? [to Doreen] Sutton was O'Neal's favorite. [pointing at Sutton] Don't even try denying it.

Sutton: [clicking through files of immune splices] I didn't.

Jeff: [rotating a little back and forth, contemplative] They probably think she was grooming you. [smiling at Sutton conspiratorily] Think she would've tried to recruit you? Bring you into the evil fold?

Doreen: [looking at him in disapproval] That's not funny, Jeff. [frowning at the ground] She was our boss this whole time and we never knew...

Jeff: [looking back at his phone] I mean, you never really know, right?

Doreen goes back to their work, look troubled, and the room lapses into almost silence, save computer clicking and Jeff's phone.

Phone Reporter: The death toll at the South Integration Center continues to rise after the massive outbreak almost a month ago. Claims that transgenic organisms remain carriers after infection has been disproven, but the common consensus from researchers is more time is needed with those possessing immunity in order to figure out what about their genetic nature helps them fight the virus, and how it can be used to help others.

Doreen: Would you turn that off, please? You're supposed to be working.

Jeff: [doing so] Fine, fine...

Another moment of quiet key clicking.

Jeff: [turning slowly, looking at the ceiling] What if we're all looking in the wrong place?

Doreen: What do you mean?

Jeff: What I mean is we can inoculate as many dogs, cats, and crocodiles as we want, but that doesn't change the fact that they're all dying. It doesn't matter what species they are.

Sutton starts clicking a little slower.

Doreen: If their splices aren't making them immune-

Jeff: [holding up a finger] Which I'm sure they're not!

Doreen: [frowning] -then why are they the only ones not dying?

Jeff: [shaking his phone at her] I don't know, Doreen, sure sounds like plenty are dying to me.

Sutton: [stops clicking] A third of Atlas' entire splice population is going to die in that one building.

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