Friends : Toni Kroos

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A/N : Hey everyone! I hope all is well! Since it's the weekend now I'll probably be able to get a lot of imagines done! Feel free to request more! Here is your imagine @krooslover! I hope you like it! I'm sorry it's kind of short!

The fluffy snow falls from the sky and lands on my black beanie. The crisp air wraps around my skin and sends a chill down my spine. A soft hum flows from my lips. Little Jake hangs onto my hand as he waddles beside me. His puffy red coat is covered in snow, making him look like a tiny snowman. His pale skin is slightly pink- mainly around his cheeks. He stays quiet as we walk, which is an unusual thing for him. My head slowly turns down at my son and I furrow my brows.

"Aren't you excited about the snow, bärchen?" (Little bear) I twirl him around to try and make him giggle. He doesn't react though, just simply nods. My pace slows down. Some other mothers and children pass us as they make their way to the school.

I kneel down, not caring about the damp sidewalk. Jake doesn't look at me, just stares at the building a few feet away. His blonde hair sticks out of his hood and sticks to his forehead. I use my thumb to swipe them to the side. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Mommy."  His eyes fall to the ground.

"No, something's wrong. I can tell. What's the matter little Jake?"

He shakes his head.

My heart aches. Something is wrong and he won't tell me what.

"Are you afraid to tell me?"

"No." He shakes his head.

"Good. You can tell me anything." I place my hand on his shoulders. He finally looks at me. "You know that right?"

"Yes." His light voice speaks in the rare silence.

"Then what is it hun? I want to help."

He lets out a heavy breath before responding. "I don't have any friends here."

My heart nearly shatters. I try not to show any significant signs of sadness in front of him so he won't freak out. I bite my lip, trying my best not to cry. "Why haven't you told me?"

"I didn't want you to worry." He shrugs.

My eyebrows raise at his words. "Oh little Jake. You don't have to think about how I would feel. Just tell me. Whatever is going on okay?"

"Okay Mommy." He wraps his arms around my neck.

"Are the kids mean?" I ask as he hugs me.

I feel him shake his head no. He pulls away and explains. "Everyone already has friends."

"So are you scared to talk to them then?"

He nods.

"Honey, you don't have anything to be scared about! These kids will love you! You're so funny, cool, radical."

"Mommy!" He giggles.

"There's that smile!" I pinch his cheeks, which makes him squirm. "So, how about I walk you inside and you can go make some new friends."

"No Mommy! I got this." He kisses my cheek. "I'll walk in myself. I love you! Tell Daddy I love him!"

"I love you, and Daddy loves you too!"

"Bye!" He runs up the school steps and inside into the warmth.

I back away with a small smile on my face but it fades as Jake gets farther away. I turn my back to the school and the snow is falling harder. My smile drops completely and I feel the tears rushing back. He didn't even want to tell me he didn't have any friends! My poor baby. I make it to my car and drive home. The house looks like a winter wonderland. Everything is covered in snow. I make a dash from my car to the front door and quickly open it. I step inside and shut the door with my back. I kick off my boots and hang my jacket on the coat rack.

"Hey babygirl!" Toni says from the kitchen. He looks up from cutting a slice of pie and looks at me with bright eyes. His expression vanished as he see's the state I'm in. My eyes are most likely red and tears stain my skin. He quickly walks around the counter and jogs over to me. "What's wrong? What happened?"

He brings me into a hug and that's when I loose it. The tears fall out of me like the snow from the sky. I soak Toni's shirt. He just hugs me though, and rubs his hand on my back, not minding my tears ruining his shirt. "Talk to me baby."

"Jake, h-he told me he didn't have a-any friends at school."

Toni sighs. "Liebe." (Love)

I shake my head. "He was sad, I could tell. He didn't want t-to tell me because he didn't want me to w-worry."

Toni holds me tighter. "Sh. Sh. It's okay." He rubs his hand down my hair.

"I-I feel so- ugh Toni." I squeeze him.

"Hey, Hey." He whispers in my ear. "Listen to me. Jake is going to make friends. It's just gonna take time. He's at a new school. But this isn't your fault."

"He felt like he couldn't tell me." I sob.

"Any kid would be scared." Toni pulls away and places a finger under my chin. "Look at me."

I slowly bring my eyes to his light blue ones. He smiles. "Little Jake loves you so much. You don't need to worry. He's gonna make friends. A whole bunch!"

I chuckle. "Yeah." I wipe away my tears. "He is."

"And our house." Toni throws his arms up. "Is going to be the kick it spot."

This makes a smile break loose on my face.

"I mean- every single one of his friends will want to come over." Toni smirks.

"You think?"

"I know!" He looks down at me. "You're a great mom Alicia. Jake knows it. I know it. And you need to know it."

He presses a kiss to my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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