Celebrations : Neymar Júnior

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A/N : Hey lovelies! I hope everyone is doing swell today haha. I'm back with yet another imagine for a very close friend of mine! I hope you like it Hannah! You guys should check out her stories because they're great :) I'll tag both her accounts! Dancer9816 footballerbabe98

There's already an uproar in the Russian stadium. I listen to the thousands of people chanting multiple phrases. My ears pick up on the Brazilian words more than the harsh German ones. I walk into the tunnel underneath the stadium that leads to the locker rooms. Everything can still be heard distinctively. What a game this will be!

"ECHO!" Davi cups his hands around his mouth and yells. His voice bounces off the walls a couple of times. I look over at him and smile. His blonde hair is ruffled up slightly from the climate. His yellow Brazil jersey is a tad bit too big on him but he doesn't seem to care. We have the same shirt, both with Neymar's name on the back.

"Hold my hand Davi." I extend my arm so he can slide his right hand into my left one. His skin is clammy but soft. We giggle at nothing as we stride to the white door at the end of the tunnel.

"Is Rafinha here?" Davi begins to ask questions as I hold the door open for him. His little legs take him through and he turns on the red tiled floor and stares at me. "And Oscar? Oh! What about Dani?"

I laugh at his excitement. I let the door close behind me. We stand in the middle of the footballers lounge. A security guard gets up from his chair and walks over to us. I realize I haven't answered Davi's rapid questions so I quickly lean down and whisper, "I'm sure they are all here. We'll see your papai (Dad) first and then you can talk to anyone, okay?"

Davi nods quickly.

"Alright." I kiss his forehead before standing up straight.

The security guard smiles at us. "May I see your badges please?"

"Of course." I pleasantly respond and take mine off. Davi hands me his and I give them to the large man. He nods after examining them and hands them back to us. "Would you like to see my I.D as well?"

"No that's fine thank you." The guard says. "This is Neymar's son correct?"

"That's me!" Davi waves.

The guard chuckles and waves back. "Then you must be Bruna?"

"Oh no." I nearly burst out laughing. "I'm Hannah. Neymar's girlfriend."

"My apologies miss." He blushes. "I just assumed. You guys look like such a family."

"No worries." I shrug.

"I am Hannah's son!" Davi exclaims. "Just not by blood. That's what my daddy tells me."

"Well Neymar and the others are getting ready in the locker room. Would you like me to escort you two?"

"Just point us in the right direction! I'm sure we can figure it out." I take Davi's hand again.

"Go straight down that way, you see? And take a left. Then, it's the first door on the right."

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