Preference #2 : Dating Christian Pulisic Would Include

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A/N : Sorry this is a bit shorter than my first preference! I started to run out of ideas and didn't want to force anything haha! Anyway, I hope you guys like it nonetheless! Thank you Eomma_Cassie for requesting Christian! Let me know what you guys think :)! THE GRAMMAR IS LIKE MY PREVIOUS ONE SO BE AWARE!

Dating Christian would include:

-VIDEO GAMES! I really think Christian is a big gamer. Like HUGE. I think he'd play all the big hit games and he'd always be on top of things and would recommend you some. "Baby, you gotta try this new game I got. It's so fun!" I think he would really like if you were a gamer too. Obviously he'd still love you if you weren't. He'd probably let you win a few times so you don't loose 24/7 and he'd be like, "You won! Wow babe, i'm so proud of you." and he'd probably smirk to himself. If you were a gamer though he'd get real into it and talk very technically with you. "Did you see those graphics? Damn cool right?" Because we all know Christian is really a nerd on the inside. You guys would sit on the couch until the late hours and it'd be so dark and the only illumination is the t.v but Christian would look at you and smile before kissing you on the cheek and then you'd turn to him and pause the game. He'd move closer to you and kiss your lips passionately. He'd slyly grab the controller from your lap and start the game again and your avatar would be dead. "Christian! I hate you!" "No you don't. But I'm clever right?"

-Letting you call him Chris! I feel like lots of people would call him Chris but in reality that might not be true so he'd most likely only allow a few people to and you'd be one of them. After you guys dated for awhile he'd be like, "Hey babe, you know you can call me Chris right?" and you'd smile because you knew the nickname was only used by his closest friends and family. You'd walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. "I know Chris, I was just waiting for you to say it." He'd gasp and bite his lip. "Say Chris again. I like it." "I love you, Chris." He'd pick you up over his shoulder and you'd squeal. He'd most likely slap your butt and say, "I love you too baby!"

-Playing basketball with him! Even if you're not good I feel like Christian would love playing basketball with you. He'd get dressed in his attire and then you'd come out in your athletic shorts and workout shirt and he'd probably flirt with you like, "If you wear this for basketball all the time, can we play more often? Your lower behind is-" "CHRISTIAN! I will call your mother right now." And he'd grab the ball and throw it to you. "Yes ma'am." And he would start to get sweaty as you guys run around the driveway and his hair would stick to his forehead and your hair would stick to the back of your neck and soon you guys would be a stinky mess but neither of you would care because you're having so much fun. You guys would probably laugh a lot like if you tried to shoot but he blocked it and then suddenly wrapped his arms around you and you guys would just laugh and laugh and then you'd take the opportunity to get the ball back. "Look who's clever now, Chris!"

-Living in Germany with him! If you weren't already from Germany then he'd probably show you around and stuff and he'd be proud because obviously he's grown so much from the first time he got to Germany. I think he'd really like it if you learned German and of course he'd help you and encourage you when the language gets hard and you're frustrated. You'd have a ton of books and you'd be studying into the late hours and Christian would wake up from sleeping and walk over to the desk where you're sitting and be like, "Baby, you're still up?" And you'd sigh and rub you're forehead and just nod a little bit. He'd probably rub your shoulders to soothe out the stress knots and then place soft kisses up your neck, making you shiver. "I know it's hard. Trust me. But just look at me! Look how far I've come! If I can learn the language the. You can too! You're way smarter than me! I believe in you baby."

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