chapter 1

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jakes POV

It's a perfect day in Canada, me and Jesse was at our parents house and we were editing his video and making sure everything is good so he could upload. "Jesse, do you need anything" "no I'm good" "you sure" "I'm sure Jake" "are you sure I mean you don't look so good" "I'm just tired that's all" i bought my hand up to his forehead and he was burning up so I ran to get something and I come back he still editing the video. "Jesse stop, your sick" "Jake I'm fine and I fell fine, I'm tired that's it" "then stop editing the video and go to bed, I'll do it for you" "fine" then he went to his room and I edited the video for him and i erased the editing and I put uncut footage. I then went to his room to make sure he was okay and then I look over to his bed he was asleep which was good. I woke him up and I grabbed the thermometer and placed it on his head and I made sure he was going to be okay. Our mom wasn't home so we couldn't get her help. The thermometer beeped and I looked at it and it was high. "Jesse we have to get you to the hospital" "why" "your burning and that makes me worried" "fine" then he got out of the bed and fell to the floor so I had to help him walk and then I got him to the car and rushed to the hospital.

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now