chapter 6

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Jesse's pov

Jake left for school. Michel was gone, I was alone. The doctor comes in with my mom and then leaves. "Mom, i thought that you were gone" "no, I was in my room, Jake told me that you were in the hospital " "I miss him" "i know you do, but I can promise you that he will get through the day" "are you sure" "I'm positive" then i got a call from an unknown number and I asked my mom if I should answer and she nodded. Then I answered.

*start* Jesse. Unknown

I have your brother.
Who are you?
David. I want revenge on your brother.
What did he do to you?
He decided to kick me out because of his girlfriend.
That makes no sense you need to let him go.
Why should I?
He didn't do anything wrong to you, so you can let him go.
No, you will do what I tell you.
Tell me.
Come to my house, I will text you the address. Bring his girlfriend. And we are going to settle things, my way.
I can't, i am in the hospital.
You have 6 weeks, bring what I told you and nobody gets hurt.
Let me speak to him.
*on hold*

My mom looked at me. "Jesse, who is that" "apparently David, he wants revenge on Jake" "so your telling me that he had been kidnapped" "yeah, i am" "what does he want" "all he told me is that I have to bring his girlfriend to his house, and I have 6 weeks" "but you might be in here for at least 3 to 5 weeks" "he said that nobody gets hurt if I bring her" "do what he says, I don't want anything happining to Jake" then i heard jakes voice through the phone.

Jake, are you okay.
I'm fine, I don't know where I am, and I can't move.
I have mom here with me, and she wants you to come home safe.
So do i, I don't know what he wants.
I have 6 weeks to bring your girlfriend to his house and he said that nobody gets hurt if I bring her.
It's to late, I already have been beat up.
Jake, listin your going to be okay, mom said that i will be In here for at least 3 to 5 weeks.
At least you have time.
Be strong, and safe. I'll see you when I get to the house.

Then I put my phone away and I was thinking about what he said. My mom snapped me out of my thoughts. The doctor was here. "Hey dr. Cary, what's up" "we were going through your charts and we notice that the most recent stay here was because of the Sickness" "do you know what it is" "we came up with 2 choices" "what are they" "stomach bug or the flu" "do you know which one" "not yet, we were going to run some more tests to see what going on and hopefully we will get an answer" "Thank you" "your welcome" then she ran all of these tests and then after she was done, she left and I got a text from the same number that called me. I then went to sleep. Hoping Jake is alright.

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now