chapter 9

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Jake went into the classroom to find his brother sitting there looking better than what he did. He snuck up on him and.
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He turned around and smiled. We hugged. We had a lot of people take a picture of us or a video. "Jesse, what are you doing here" "the doctor said that i probably ate something that I'm allergic to, but it was nothing to major" "I'm so glad that your okay" "im glad to" "Jesse, the principal wants to talk to you and your brother" "yes mrs. Petrock" we went out and David was  there. Handcuffed so he couldn't do anything to us. "Is this the guy that kidnapped you Jake" "yes mrs. Rose" "and you were in the hospital Jesse" "yes mrs. Rose" "why" "I had an allergic reaction to something I ate" "are you allergic to anything" "no, but they did have to run a lot of tests" "do you have anything you want to say to him David" "I'm sorry Jake, you and Melody is perfect for each other. Are we cool" i look at Jesse. I don't trust Davis still. "No David, we are not cool, I had to escape that room or what ever it was because I couldn't breath. When you left I ran out to go somewhere safe" "jake" "what" "again I'm so sorry" "save it, i don't want to here it" "do you want to press charges for kidnapping mr. Baron" "yes sir" "let's go" then they took him away and now he dosnt have to bother us. We went back to class. After 3 hours we went home with melody. We watched a movie and we ignored everything that has happened after the past 2 days.

No more drama. Hopefully.

Hey guys it's Dominique here and I hope that you guys like this book. And it's not going anywhere. You guys either dont the like the book or the youtubers. I'm in love with their channels on youtube. I watch them like everyday.

But i love you all and see you next time

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now