chapters 2

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Jesse's pov

I don't know why Jake bought me to the hospital I kept telling him that I feel fine but he knows that I'm burning he knows when I'm sick. I'm his younger brother and I know that he makes sure I'm okay but this time I felt fine. "Jake I'm fine for the last time" I said with anger in my voice which thankfully we were still in the car. "Jesse your not fine, you are burning up and you said that you were tired and you usually say that when you don't feel good" "no I don't" "yes you do, I'm looking out for you making sure you don't get hurt, I'm making sure that if your sick I take care of you when mom's not home" "I'm sorry Jake, and I forget sometimes that you are here to help me when I need it" "that's fine but right know we have to get you inside and make sure your okay and nothing to serious is going on" "okay" We got inside and we sat down for a good 2 hours waiting for a doctor to come. One of them came and passed us but she turned back and she looked a little bit worried when she looked down at me. "Are you okay" "I'm fine, my brother keeps telling me that I'm burning up and I don't believe it" "we will get you to a room and make sure that everything is going to be okay" then Jake helped me and we started walking when I stumbled over my own feet. "You are falling so many times, can you stop" "no, I feel a little weak and dizzy but that's it" "you are stubborn sometimes" "no I'm not" "yes you are" we continued to argue until we got into the room. "Alright I am going to step out and I want you to change into the clothes right on your bed and after that we will get you hooked up, and I forgot to tell you my name, my name is dr. Jess, so call me if you need anything" "alright" then i got undressed and I put the hospital gown on and Jake helped me with getting it tied. The doctor came back in and she got me hooked up to the monter and IV's and I was a little bit scared but I made sure I stayed calm because I don't want to make Jake worried. After getting me hooked up to everything she looked at my record and she asked me when my recent stay was and I don't remember. "I don't remember" "that's fine, is your name Jake" "I'm Jesse and my brother over there that's Jake" i said. We don't look the same and people always get us mixed up. "Jesse, you okay" "huh" "are you okay you froze for 5 seconds" "I'm fine" "are you sure" "yes Jake I'm sure" "if you say so" then she made sure that things were okay and she saw a scar on my leg. "What happened there" "i fell, but it was nothing to major" "what did you fall of or something else" "i cut my leg on glass" "how did you do that" "I was helping my mom with washing the car, I accidentally smashed into the window and it broke" "so how does that affect your leg" "one of the pieces cut my leg going down" "and was that recent" "and few years ago but that's it" "Are you in any pain or you can't feel nothing" "no" "that's good" then she felt my forehead and she even told me I was burning and she told me that my temperature was above average. That made me and Jake scared.


Hey guys it's Dominique here and I hope that you like this book so far, tell me in the comments if you have subscribed to Jesse baron and look for jester because that is his name for YouTube and a picture of it will be on the top of the screen. So go and subscribe to them. And what I mean by them is, go subscribe to Jesse and Jake Baron. They are excellent youtubers, I watch there video everyday.

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