chapter 4

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Jakes POV

I waited for 5 hours, the doctor came and told me that somebody was here to see us, but I already knew who it was. Michel came onto the room and stood there, confused. "What's wrong with him" "he has a fever and they think it's the flu or something else, but I don't know what" "how long has he been here" "5 hours" "do you need help with anything, making sure your comfortable and with making sure that he's okay" "I'm good" "alright, well I'm going to go back home and grabb things that you might need" "okay" then he left. I look over and Jesse's awake. "Hey Jesse" "Hey Jake" "how are you felling" "not good" "is it getting worse" "i have a headache" "I'll get the docter" I run out and nobody was at the desk. So I go back in the room, checking up on him. He looks like he is getting worse. "Jesse, how you feeling" "it's getting worse" "I'm going to find a doctor, hang in there" "I'll try" i run when I bumped into someone. "Are you a doctor" "no, I'm Jake baron, I need a doctor for my brother, he is getting worse" "I'll be right there, give me a few minutes, which room are you in" "bay 5" "Thank you" then she left and I went back to the room. Let's hope she gets here fast. "Jesse, a doctor is coming soon, and we are going to see if we can get the headache to go away" "thanks Jake" then i went to the chair to sit down and then the doctor came and started checking him out. "What's going on" "he has a headache, fever or the flu, but they don't know which one yet" "who's the docter that checked you in" "dr. Jess" "she left like 4 hours ago" "okay" then she looked at his vidal signs and left. Hopefully we can get out of here soon.


Hey guys it's Dominique here and I'm awake at 2:37 in the morning because I was having a panic attack, but I got calmed down which was good. Sorry for not updating my books, I have been focused on a lot of things and I don't want people to know. On of my friends Hjsoccer13 knows what's going on. She is one of my best friends since kindergarten. I love you BFF, but I also love you all to. Goodnight. Hopefully for me to.

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now