chapter 8

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Jakes POV

After David left I struggled to get the ropes off when I found a knife, a random knife sitting there. I cut the ropes off, got the gag out and untied my ankles. I opened the door and ran. It's   far away from that house,but it was a short distance from the school, so I ran there. The doors were locked so I was banging on them. The principal opened it and I came running in. "Jake Baron, why weren't you in 3 classes" "which classes did I miss" "math, science and band. Your second encore is almost over, so while we have time, please tell me what happened" "I was captured by David, an old friend. He hates me because my girlfriend Melody was his crush, but I beat him to it" "what do you mean you were captured" "I'm not lying, and he's after me" "We will keep you safe" "thanks you Mrs. Rose" then i got to social studies and I sat down near the lockers. Trying to get my breath under control. Then my classmates start coming. Looking at me weird. Melody came running toward me. "Hey jake" "Melody, hi" "are you okay" "I'm fine, why" "your pale, sweating when it's freezing outside" "i was captured Melody, by David the bully" "what does he want from you" "he wanted you melody, he wanted to ask you out, I beat him to it and he hates me" "Jake, your the one I love, you don't need to worry, I'm right here with you" "thanks Melody" then i got inside the classroom. Jesse was there, looking better then what he did. He didn't notice me so I snuck up behind him.


What do you guys think his reaction is.
And please read my book called the torture and read the author note that I published yesterday.

Love you all.

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now