chapter 5

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Jakes POV

I had to leave for school, which sucked. I really wanted to stay with my brother, making sure he is well. I left the hospital almost in tears, we always have classes together, and if we get bullied or either one of us we will stick up for each other. I go home and got my book bag. My mom was home, and she was in the living room. "Jake, where's your brother" "don't freak out if I tell you" "okay" "Jesse's in the hospital" "is he okay" "yeah but they don't know what it is yet. His temperature was high" "how high" "108 degrees" "what do you think it is" "honestly I think it's the flu" "why" "he was extremely tired, he kept falling when he was walking" "how does that affect Jesse's life" "you know when he is not felling well he will say that he's tired" "yeah" "i had to take him because of him saying that he was tired, his temperatures was high. I hope you understand" "I do" "you do" "yeah, your showing me that you will do anything for your brother, even thought you are the oldest. But you make me believe that I can go somewhere and if you are home, you can take care of him" "Thanks mom" "your welcome" "i have school, I better get going" "yeah, love you" "Love you to" after giving her a hug I got on the school bus and the girl that sat next to me, which we were really close, and we have been dating for 2 months now. "What's wrong jake" "nothing melody" "are you sure" "you have to promise that you will keep this a secret between you and me" "alright, i promise" "Jesse's in the hospital" "is he okay" "He's fine, he probably has the flu but we don't know" "does your mom know" "she knows" "but are you going to be okay" "I will, because I have you also in all of my classes" "love you" "Love you to" then she kissed my cheek and went to sleep while her head was on my shoulder. We got to school and I don't know what to expect. I woke melody up and we got off the bus and I had to take pictures with fans. One of them looked like they were going to pass out. I go over to her and I gave melody a signal to come here. "Gabby, what happened" "I'm having an asthma attack" "get the nurse" "on it" then people were gathering around us. I didn't care. "I need you to breath. What's going on" "somebody sprayed something, I fell like I just got the wind knocked out of me" "how long have you had asthma for" "4 years, I just found out, is everything going to be okay" "yes, everything is going to be okay" "thank you Jake for being here for me" "your welcome" "is have no one taking care of me when I have these attacks" "do you live alone" "yeah. My mom died when I was 5 and my dad died when I was a baby, so I never knew him" "i'm so sorry to hear that" "It's fine" then melody came and had the nurse. "Jake, why are you taking care of her" "taking pictures with fans, she looked like she was about to pass out, having an asthma attack" "Jake, your making no sense, can you repeat what you just said" "i was taking pictures with fans and she looked like she was about to pass out and she told me that she is having an asthma attack" "I'll bring her in and you, just stay out here and get your mind cleared" "yes mrs. Heart" then i stayed out here when melody came and sat next to me. "Melody, you need to go inside" "you need to have somebody to keep you company" "I'm fine melody, go back inside" "alright" then she went inside and then I felt something cold on my neck . "Put your hands up, now" then i put them up and then a hand went over my mouth. He pulled me back leaving me to struggle against him. He pulled a knife out and held it to my throat and I stopped struggling. "Bet you know who I am" i shook my head no. "Its David, you know your not best friend. I thought that I need revenge on you and your brother, but I heard that he is in the hospital so I'm going to take the revenge on you. I'm not going to hurt you, nor am I going to take this out on your brother. You understand me" i nodded my head. He dragged me to his car, tied my hands behind my back with rope and ankles. Threw me into the trunk, gagged me and we went on. I need to cheack up on my brother, not being kidnapped.

I hate him now.

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now