chapter 7

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Jakes POV

I was in a dark room, I couldn't see where I was. David was somewhere else, but I don't know where though. Nobody was here, I didn't hear anything accept for my phone. If the was Jesse, mom or somebody, I can't reach it. I thought of what Jesse said. Why does David want my girlfriend.  But I know one thing, i'm not letting that son of a bitch (sorry for the language. I just had to) have her. Melody is not coming and staying with that basterd.  I have no idea what time it is, I'm about to pass out, I don't feel good. My hands were tied behind my back and my ankles were tied together, I'm not used to this. Granit I have played a characters game. It was a dusty room, I coughed so much because either it was my pain, the dust and I'm not allergic to it but I was breathing in so much. Suddenly the light came on and David showed up. With something in his hand. "What do you want" "your girlfriend, what else" "what do you want from her" "i have a crush on her, I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend but you beat me to it" "David listen, I am so sorry, I didn't know" "now you do" he put the washcloth or what ever it was in my mouth. I know I sounded stupid. He went over and grabbed my phone and showed me the message. It was from jesse. I felt the tears in my eyes coming but I cant, I have to stay strong, for Jesse. With him being the younger sibling. "How do you feel know, pretty dumb, your brother is in the hospital, your here, you can't go and take care of him can you" he said ruffling my hair. He kicked me in the stomach and side. He left and I had to find away to get out of here.

Hey guys it's Dominique here and I hope that you like this book so far. I know I haven't been updating and I do have a lot of things going on in my life. I have been tired and usually I am up and ready for the day. Not today. I hope you understand.

Oh and I am not use to putting cuse words in my book. I wanted to change it up.

Go and fallow me on my Instagram, my link is in my bio. I have one more followers to go and I'll hit 100 followers.

And fallow me on here if you haven't. I am 9 followers away from hitting 100 followers on my wattpad.

Love you all and have a great night.

Jesse Baron and Jake BaronWhere stories live. Discover now