The Russian

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Dear reader, this was an imagine written for me, I will get the username, and her book down at the bottom, but I think it was greatly written, I loved reading it. So lets get on with it>>>>>

Your point of view

I sat on the couch with my boyfriend Ivan, he just got through with his fight Rocky.
He just sat with his head in his hands emotionless, I rubbed his back trying to comfort him.. I think he's sad, it's really hard to tell...

"You know I haven't always been like this Y/N. You know. So emotionless and scary. I used to be hopeful, full of energy, and excitement. I was also scared, and sad, and everything a human should be. I was weak." His voiced nearly cracked.

"W-what happened? If you don't mind telling me."

"Well, I guess it started when my, um dad, died. My mom was depressed, she tried to kill herself many times.. Then turned to drugs and sex... Then one day she found.. him" be spat the last world out harshly.
"He came into her life, then slowly into mine. They married, he changed. He was very kind. He would play catch with me, talk to me, and comfort me.. Then when they got married, he just lost it. He beat me and my mother, when I was old enough, I started working out.. And finally got revenge. He knew he couldn't take me anymore so he went to my mom. He beat her. To death.. In front of me, and I couldn't stop it, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. All I could do was.. Just watch. Then I just snapped. I beat him, the same way he did my mother. I killed him. Then I ran And it-" I stopped him from continuing, because he was crying. And I've never seen that happen.

I hugged him tightly as he cried on my shoulder. I showered his cheek with kisses. Be turned to look at me with puffy red eyes. He kissed me sweetly on the lips, and I whispered to him, "You're safe now. Nothing like that will ever happen again okay? If your mother could see you now, she would be so proud of you, and so would your real father. You have turned into quite a good looking young man, who is very talented, and just wonderful to be around. I love you, Ivan."

"I love you too Y/N. I love you too."

Aaaanndd there we have it loves. Thank you Daisy33445 for writing thus for me and letting me re-write a little and using it.
I love this imagine very much. It was my first Drago imagine written for me. Thanks again.
Next chapter will be a song fic to "Just the Way you Are" and I love it so far.
Until the next chapter.

Stay Gold

Ivan Drago imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now