Green Eyed Monster

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I had an idea and I really felt like writing today. So.. I present you with this! It's not as long as I wanted it be, but here you go. (My apologies if your name is Tyler. You can choose a different name for your friend.) Enjoy my loves.

Ivan bit his bottom lip in frustration. You had a friend that came to visit- a guy friend I might add. You and your best mate Tyler sat on opposite ends of the couch while Ivan sat in large recliner beside you. His gaze was set upon the other male. You were having such a wonderful time that you didn't know your significant other was taking in every single one of Tyler's movements. All of your other male friends, Ivan had been fine with, but something about Tyler made him uncomfortable. Maybe it was because you and him were fairly close friends rom a very young age. 

After the long day full of lengthy conversations and the recollection of good memories, Tyler had to leave. You said your goodbyes- even Ivan, who shook his hand with an extremely firm grip. Ivan shut the door promptly, then walked to the kitchen for (Drink of your choice). His throat had gone dry from nervousness of there being another man within the vicinity of the both of you. He filled a glass and gulped down the liquid swiftly. You walked into the room and decided to find a snack. (Lol besides Ivan) You lover set his glass down in the sink and rested his hand on the edge of the counter,  staring through the large window pane decorated with white lacey curtains. The sky looked so beautiful. The night was peaceful and calm. He attempted to count the stars. he tried anything to mask the fact that he was undeniably jealous of you and your companion.

This was when you began to notice something was wrong.

"Love, what's troubling you?" You asked. No response. You sighed forgetting about what you had been doing previously, and walked up behind him. You arms seemed so small when you wrapped them around the blonde male's  muscular waist. He turned to face you still tucked into your embrace. All he did was look into your eyes. You both stayed that way for a few moments, then he smiled. "Nothing now, my love." He said. "If I wasn't mistaken, I would believe you to be jealous." You replied. You could see it in his features. He rolled his bright blue eyes, "I might have been, but just a little."

"He is just a childhood friend, and nothing more. You're the only one for me." You stated running your fingers through his hair. "I love you, (Y/N)." 

"I love you too Ivan."

Suddenly, Ivan's heartbeat grew faster, and his stomach began to turn. He reached out and pulled your lips upon his, with his fingers resting at the nape of your neck. He could feel your shocked features on your face and smiled into the kiss, eagerly waiting for you to kiss him back. You soon gave in and your hands wove themselves into the hair atop his cranium in desire. You both pulled away with a loud smack. Your cheeks were burning a fiery red. You hadn't ever felt that much passion in one small moment such as this.

Ivan then leaned down further and peppered your face and neck with kisses while you laughed uncontrollably. When he stopped, he pulled you into a hug and buried his face into your hair. You breathed in his manly smell. 

You were so lucky that he chose you over anyone else in the world. That he chose to marry you and love you forever; your lovely Ivan Drago.


I feel like a very accomplished person because I finally wrote something. Sorry for any spelling errors. I'm slowly getting over my writer's block, which has been horrible lately. I tried to make this gender- neutral but I failed, I apologize for that. If you're still here reading from this book, I praise you. You guys are wonderful and I love you all so much. Have a wonderful day or night wherever you are! I am sending much love your way!

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