Hips don't lie

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Man, you loved Shakira. (Sorry, Idk. I'm currently   listening to it. It isn't normal for me to do so)

You loved her song 'Hips don't lie'
You also loved to dance when nobody was watching
You were sitting in your room bored, because Drago was training with Rocky. (In this he didn't kill Apollo  and all three of them are friends)

You decided you were going to put Pandora on, and you lit up when your favorite song came on.

     Play the song

You started singing, then you really got into it, and jumped up and started dancing.

I never really knew that she could dance like this

You swayed your hips with the music.

Oh, baby when you talk like that
You make a woman go mad

You hadn't heard the front door open, in which Iban, Apollo, and Rocky had entered.  They could hear the music from downstairs, and knew what you were doing.

Drago opened the door with a big smile on his face.
"What are you doing?!" He said with a big laugh. Rocky and Apollo were laughing pretty hard too.

You screamed, and turned it off quickly.
"What are you doing? Why are they here?" You asked.

"Did you not hear me, when I came in?" He said.

"No. I did not."

Rocky then got a call. You had guessed it was Adrian.
"Hey, I gotta go. Paulie tried to kill his robot we got him for his birthday."

"Okay. Bye."


"I have to go home too. I will see you guys next week."

Time skip 😋😋

"Ah, Y/N that was cute. You should dance more often."

"How about no." You said.

"Do it for me just one more time."

"Uggh. Fine."

You danced again gracefully.
When you had finished you had started making jokes about how your hips don't lie.

You knew for sure that your hips don't lie, and Drago  never that you could dance.

That sucked and it's two in the morning so goodnight.

Ivan Drago imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now