What a heavenly way to die PT.2

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"We need to talk about your options." Said Tony. You frowned. "My options?" You asked. Ivan looked up at you, his eyes full of worry.

"What the hell does that even mean? There is no option; I've already made a decision." You implied.

Tony's eyes went wide. "What? NO. There is no way you've already made a decision. We don't know what's going to happen yet."

Ivan stared down at the counter while Peter stood off to the side.

"Well I have! And we do know what's going to happen. It is very simple. He kills me, he gains all the power he needs to end the lives of half of the beings in the universe." You shouted.

"Then tell me what it is that you've decided you are going to do." Tony gave in finally.

You took in a deep breath and explained your plan to him.



Ivan's jaw clenched, and Tony sucked in a deep breath. Peter stood there, his eyes beginning to water. Ivan got up quickly from the table to walk outside, then slammed the door behind him. The loud sound made you jump.

Tony eyebrows knitted together in frustration.

"Listen kid, I know that this seems like the best way stop Thanos, but if you make that man of yours kill you, it's gonna kill him." Tony said.

"I know, I know. I just can't think of any other way to fix this. I-I can't do it myself." You replied. "(Y/N), I know this is hard for you, but you can't make Ivan do it. Thanos knows that Ivan will try, but Thanos will kill him before it happens. He won't expect it from you." Peter added in.

Small tears ran down your rosy cheeks. "But I can't" You said.

"It's better than making the man who loves you do it." Peter replied sharply, who was them ushered towards the door by Tony.

Tony turned back once to look at you and said, "Try listening to the kid. Maybe he'll teach you something," Then he walked out leaving you in a state of shock.

You decided to grab a jacket and go out to wherever Ivan was. You wrapped it around your body as soon as you stepped outside. You knew he'd be with the horses somewhere in the pins.

You saw him brushing out your buckskin horse when you turned the corner of the barn. You sighed lightly, taking in his sculptured features. It was cool outside but he was sweating. You frowned.

"We have to talk about it." You said. Ivan stopped and stared at you for a moment then continued what he was doing. He mumbled something under his breath.

"Huh?" You questioned.

"That's bullshit. We've talked about this already." He snapped.

You bit your lip and nodded.

"Look I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you." Ivan came around the side of the horse and pulled you closer. He put one hand on the back of your neck and pressed his lips to yours.







That was all you were able to feel. It was unbearable.

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