Rocky X Reader

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Okay, I decided I would write something different. I apologize so much for not updating but I've been busy with school and people, and just dealing with things from the real world. I know this seems like an excuse but I am truly sorry.


You had such a big smile on your face. You were walking down the street with your partner, Rocky. There had been a few men and women looking at you and speaking crudely to you. They said very disgusting things towards you, but Rocky being the gentleman he is, took care of the problem and made sure they wouldn't try anything else.

His knuckles were cut up and bruised, and his lip was busted open near the corner from one of the men that had tried to hit him. You were very proud of Rocky, and he was confused about why you were smiling.

"Because you saved me from pervs." You finally replied after a multitude of him asking you.

He rolled his eyes, and you shrugged.
When you got to your house, you had him sit at the table while you got some medical supplies.

You found peroxide and witch hazel to clean his wounds and you bandaged him up when you had finished.

Rocky smiled as you looked at him. "What?" You questioned.
"You're so beautiful." He replied.

You laughed quietly and sat on his lap.
He kissed you and you gagged from the taste of the peroxide on his lips. He grabbed to cloth and wiped the access off.

Rocky smirked and rose up from the chair taking you with him to your room for a good nights sleep if you know what I mean.


Dang that was short. Sorry about that. I miss you guys a lot so if you want, message me for anything whether it be requests for any of my stories or a new one.
Here's my social stuff just in case you want to contact me there

Instagram: braxten.shoulders
Snapchat: braxten0-0
Twitter: swim_reaper

See y'all later

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