Hey! You're Pregnant!

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You and Ivan have been married for a few months, and have been trying to have a child.

You have tried at least six or seven times, and today you have taken a pregnancy test.

You had taken the third test all at the same time just to check.

It's not gonna happen this time. You kept telling yourself. Then the test was ready.

You closed your eyes before you grabbed one to see the results.

They all read positive.

You had gone ecstatic. Drago was downstairs making a sandwich. (I don't know. Just read)

He heard you run down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What did you do?" He asked with his mouth full.

"I'm pregnant you jack-wagon!"
Right then he choked on his sandwich.


Eight and a half months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, in which you named Kili.

He grew up, and became a boxer just like his dad.

He inherited your (e/c) eyes, and Ivan's blonde hair.

He eventually got married to a wonderful woman named Reese.

They had twins girls, and you all lived happily ever after.

I don't know how to write these and I wanted to get it over with.

Ivan Drago imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now