Chapter 15

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"Let's get started, gentlemen," Maverick said.

Bryce looked around the table.

Actually, they were  all gentlemen.

Why are there no women at these staff meetings?

That was a no-brainer. Mav, the CEO, liked a men's only executive washroom.

"I think you're all aware of country music's decline in popularity. Travis, I know you keep saying we need to get up to speed with the streaming. We're working on that, but in the meantime are there any other thoughts or ideas? Anyone?"

Mav planted his big ass in his thousand dollar custom designed Bodybilt chair, and Bryce knew he'd spend the rest of the meeting steepling his fingers, swapping texts with his mistress and leering at his secretary's legs while she poured coffee for everyone.

In a way, Maverick was the poster child for country music's decline. He represented everything that was wrong with country today.

He refused to change with the times. He embodied southern stereotypes. Every decision was gauged for how it would benefit him, not how it would benefit the company or the industry. He had a gambling addiction, drank to excess, was racist, sexist, lookist, ableist, and loved Biblical gender roles.

He was a dinosaur, and it was damn near impossible for the younger men under him to effect any change for the better when they had to lug this big ole damn T-Rex around.

Still, the bastard had asked for thoughts.

While Mav sent his mistress a text, Bryce cleared his throat.

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