Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off

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Light from the crystal chandeliers bounced off of every piece of shiny material in the room, which was a lot. The ball room we were in was rented out to host the annual Gleason fundraiser. An event to help raise money for orphan children in theirs world countries. It was an honorable cause, but the Even was just a way for the rich to show off their wealth.

My golden heels click on the hardwood floor as I make my way though the crown. A smile was plastered to face as I greeted the rich and posh. Small talk was never my forte. After about two hours of complimenting the rich madams and fake laughing at the flirtatious gentlemen trying to pick me up I was exhausted.

I excuse myself from a ravishingly boring conversation with a man twice my elder and escaped to the balcony. Once out of the building I stop to take a deep breath. I close my eyes and bask in the night air. Soft music from inside floats out and surrounds me.

"May." The sound of my name startled me out of my daydream. I turn around expecting to find some bachelor son of a rich family my father knows.

I was right. Standing in the doorway was none other than Nathaniel Amaris, son of Richard Amaris the second who happened to be one of the most successful lawyers in town. Nathaniel follows in his father's footsteps, both in his career and look. His soft brown hair was nicely comed. The cleanly shaven face showed off his pronounced jaw. Striking of all was the piercing blue eyes that could look into your soul.  To top it all off was a navy blue suit.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Nathaniel questions as his long legs bring him over to me. "Shouldn't you be on the arm of some handsome young man?"

I have to tilt my head back to look up at him. "Like you?" I arc a perfect eyebrow at him.

Nathaniel smiles his signature smile, that he claims, can charm the pants off of any women. Lucky for me, I was wearing a dress. A dusky rose dress that fell in silky waves down my body. Thin straps held the piece in my body. The neckline was cut low, which Nathaniel had already discovers by the looks of his eyes dropping to my chest.

"Exactly like me." He leans in close, his lips grazing my ear. "Nice dress." His whisper was low and sent chills up my spine.

A smile forms on my lips. He always did that to me, messed with my head. We had an interesting sort of relationship. We weren't exactly together, but we weren't not together either. He knew how to push my buttons and I his. There was defiantly a mutual attraction, but neither of us were ready to admit it.

"I only wore it so you could take it off." I whisper back, turning my head to look him in the eyes.

Lucky for us we were in a hotel. I really shouldn't have been surprised when Nathaniel already had a room. Our lips stayed connect on the elevator ride. Nathaniel took my hand and pulled me down the hallway as soon as the elevator doors opened. My back was to the door as he fiddled with the key car. A light beep and we were inside.

Nathaniel grabs my hips and pins me against the door. A moan escapes my lips as his skilled ones set to work on my neck. He knew exactly where my weak spots were.

I set my hands on his chest and push him back. Before he can protest I turn around. "Unzip?"

"With pleasure." Nathaniel responds and I feel his cool hands on my shoulders. He takes his time unzipping the dress. Slowly the zipper stops and he pushes the straps off my shoulders. The thousand dollar dress I was wear falls on the floor, leaving me in matching black, lacey undergarments.

Nathaniel's eyes rake over my body as I turn back to face him.

"Like it?" I ask with a girlish smile.

"You wear that just for me too?" He asks as he reaches out and grabs my hips.

We both knew the other was going to be at this event so why lie. "Maybe." Was all I said before reaching up to kiss him.

His tongue enters my mouth as I feverishly unbutton his shirt. I give up and end up ripping it open, which gets a laugh out of him. My hands fall to his waist and start on his belt. Before I can get it undone he scoops me up in his arms. He walks over to the bed and throws me on it. I now have a good view of his gorgeous body. Tan chest, defined abs, and that cursed V that disappears in the waistband of his pants.

"Like it?" Nathaniel asks, copying what u had dead earlier.

I slowly scan my eyes over his body. "Very much. Now come kiss me."

He holds up a finger, indicating me to wait. "Patients darling." His voice was deep and husky, how it always got when he was turned on.

I let out a groan as he very slowly unzips his pants. "Hurry up Nathaniel."

After two rounds of fun. Yes two, go big or go home. We collapse in a tangle of sheets and limbs. I lay my head on his chest and trace patters in his stomach with my finger.

We lay in silence for a while. The only sound was our breathing and Nathaniel's heartbeat.

"May?" Nathaniel says softly.

"Hmm?" I snuggle in closer to him, stretching my leg over his.

There was a long pause and I start to wonder if he had fallen asleep, but I was too comfy to look.

"I love you."

Three words. Three simple words were enough to send my heart racing and stomach flipping. We'd never said those words to each other. It wasn't until that moment that I realized I'd been waiting to hear them since the moment I met Nathaniel.

I push myself up and turn to look at him. "Really?" My wide eyes stares into his, looking for any sign he didn't mean what he said.

"I love you Maylin Leonard." Nathaniel repeats slowly.

I take a deep breath then let it out slowly. "I love you too."

Nathaniel smiles. Not one of his charm the pants off of you smiles, but a genuine smile. He lifts himself up, slinging his fingers into her hair, and kisses me softly.

A giggle escapes my lips as I kiss him back.

We spend the rest of the night in that bed, completely forgetting about the party we were supposed to be attending downstairs.

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