It's Complicated - Part 1

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I was on my lunch break, reclining on a lounge chair and munching on chips. My eyes wander over the crowd of resort guest. People watching was always my favorite past time here. You never knew what you would see. Teens making out. Old men who should not being wearing swim trucks that small. Bikinis that leave little to the imagination. A gorgeous man in a full suit.

Wait what? My eyes flick back to the man in the suit. He stuck out like a sore thumb next to those in swimsuits. How was he not drenched in sweat? It was almost a hundred degrees out.

My eyes follow him as he walks up to the hot dog cart. Really? Dude in a suit was buying a cheap hot dog. Didn't whatever corporate event he's here for provide food?

As I watch him his head turns to the side as a blonde stick in a skimpy bikini walks past. Of course that's why he's here.

Suddenly the man's eyes are locked with mine. That's when I realize I had spoken out loud. His eyebrows raise and he turns his body to face me.

"Can't a guy get some lunch without judgement?" He asks in a beautifully deep voice. If I hadn't just seen him check out a girl I would have swooned.

"Of course he can." I reply with a casual shrug of his shoulders. "The only thing I'm judging is your choice of swimwear."

Suits looks down at his suit before chuckling. "Guess I do sort of stick out. Sadly I'm here on business not pleasure."

"Doesn't the corporate event you're here for have food?" I question.

"It doesn't have Franky's Hot Dogs." Suits says and holds up his hot dog to illustrate.

My eyes widen in surprise as a gasp escapes my lips. "You know Franky's?" It was the name of the hot dog cart, had a reputation for selling amazing food.

Suits nods his head. This simple fact makes his hotness level go up a few degrees. He turns back around and starts to reach for the ketchup.

"Of course." I mutter, though loud enough for him to hear and turn back around to face me.

"What now?" He demands with a tired frown on his lips.

"Ketchup? Really?" I tease.

Suits rolls his eyes. "Isn't That What you put on your hotdog?"

I shake my head.

An exasperated sigh comes from suits full lips. "Well then, what should I put on it?"


Suits gives me a surprised and confused look. I point to the counter behind him and he turns to lay eyes on the Sriracha sauce. "What if I don't like it?" He asks as he pours some onto his hotdog.

"Then I'll eat it for you." I reply with a shrug.

Suits finishes decorating his hotdog and walks over to sit in the chair next to me. I had been expecting him to walk off, annoyed with my antics. He gives me a doubtful looks before taking a bite of the hotdog. I arch my eyebrows and give him and expectant look.

"Hmm." Suits hums softly. He chews painfully slow, testing my patients. "Not bad."

"Not bad?" I scoff. "I think that tie's choking you, cutting off circulation to your brain."

Suits throws his head back and lets it a beautifully deep laugh. Could he get more attractive? "Okay, So it's really good. Never would have thought of it."

"Of course you haven't. You've never met me before." I say haughtily and toss my hair over my shoulder.

"You're right, I haven't." Suits says in a more serious tons. He does something surprising and holds out the hotdog to me.

I don't hesitate to lean over and take a bite, keeping eye contact. I smile smugly when I see him swallow. Got him right where I wanted him. I lean back and stretch out on my chair. "So Suits, you got a name?"

"Kyle, though Suits is fine." Kyle says with a light teasing tone in his voice. "What about you Sriracha girl?"

For some teasing finding out he has a nickname for me makes me feel like giggling. I do not giggle. "Payton."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Smooth. I should call him smooth. "You flirting with me?"

"Depends." Kyle replies simply.

"On What?" Can't let him get off that easy.

Kyle tilts his head to the side and smiles softly. "What your plans are for the next hour or so?"

Was he asking me out? I tried to keep the shock off of my face. Lifting up my wrist, I look at my watch. "Well I have an hour left on my lunch break."

Something passes in Kyle's eyes. It's too fast for me to figure out, but it sends a chill up my spine. "I have dessert up in my room." His voice was deep and slow.

Keep it cool. I am the epitome of calm. "Does this dessert involve you?" I question, adding in a bat of my eyelashes.

Kyle smiles, a smile that has me weak. "It might." He stands up, having finished his food and offers me a hand. I gladly take it and he pulls me to my feet.

I don't even have time to comment on Kyle's room before he has me pinned up against the door and attacking my lips with his. It doesn't take me long to completely melt into him. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. My thoughts are completely consumed with the taste of his lips.

Kyle presses his hips against mine, causing me to gasp. He takes that moment to slip his tongue between my lips. I try to hold in a moan, but he makes his hard when his hand squeezes my thigh. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair.

"Bed." I gasp.

Kyle mutters something before he pulls us away from the door. His hands are on my ass as he carries us deeper into his suit. I take this moment to look around. This was defiantly one of the luxury suits. A full kitchen, lounge area, and a separate room with the bed.

"Dam, must be some good cooperate meeting to put you up in her." I muse before I'm being thrown onto the bed.

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