She and Him

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She was sixteen when they met and fell in love. He was three years older, but age never mattered to them.

Her mother thought he had too many tattoos and her father thought he was a bad influence. The kept her under lock and key. That didn't spot her from sneaking out to meet him.

His parents never cared. His mom was too busy finding herself at the bottom of a bottle to care about her husband sleeping around. He moved out when he was eighteen.

That mattress of the floor of his apartment was the first place they made love. She was sore the next morning, but couldn't stop smiling. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he'd laid eyes on.

They made plans to leave that town. On her eighteenth birthday they climbed into his old Camero and drove.

They drove across the country. Hopping from hotel to the next. Driving all day, smoking and drinking all evening, making love all night.

They drove until they found a place they liked. He got a job at a salvage yard and she became a waitress. They saved up until they could afford that run down apartment.

It wasn't much with the broken stove and mattress on the floor, but it was home.

Weeks turned into months. They worked all day, argued all evening, made love all night.

She said he smoked too much. He said she forgot how to have fun.

He was at work. She got a call, her dad was in the hospital.

She waited for him. He said he was never going back there.

She left and never looked back.

Five years later he still lives in that apartment. The stove is fixed and the mattress is now a bed. His hair is shorter and he's got a few more tattoos. He still smokes to much.

His once free heart is now kept under lock and key.

Her father died, bringing her and her mother closer. She moved back home. Went to college and met a boy. Her mom likes him, says they'll get married.

The winds change and crosses their paths.

Her boyfriend gets promoted and has to move. She goes with him. They move to that same town.

He has to do a double take. Seeing her on the sidewalk, standing in front of their favorite coffee shop.

She looks up and they lock eyes.

He was her first love and she was his last.

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