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Things to call this other than a journal entry:
*Star log
Day (insert number)

Star log 2.11.18

I believe in love. I really do. It may come as a surprise if you meet me. I don't  exactly scream hopeless romantic, with my shaggy hair and constant scent of weed. In reality I'm a sucker for all things romance. I love watching cheesy romance movies. Planning big dates and surprises are my forte. Most of all I believe in soulmates.

To me a soulmate is someone who completes you. They bring your soul peace that you weren't even aware of needing. They make you smile on your darkest days. It's the person you've been searching for all your life. They are the air in your lungs, the bounce in your step, the wind beneath your wings. They are your everything.

I believe everyone has that special someone who completes them. Okay so maybe not everyone, some people are made to be single. And that's okay, but I was not. I was made to love. So I suck at it, but at least I'm trying. It's more than what some people can say for themselves. Not everyone was born with the body of a god and the personality of a...of a...I've got nothing. Just pretend I said something witty there.

Anyway, back to the soulmate talk. I have found my soulmate. She's absolutely perfect. We have the same favorite horror movie, The Nightmare on Elm street. She puts ketchup on her Mac and cheese, same as me. Her favors color is pink, mine it green, which are complementary colors. We're a match made in heaven.

Every time I'm around her my heart speeds up and my breathing quickens. I can't think of the right words to say, which usually results in me teasing her which then leads to her being annoyed. My body turns to fire whenever she touches me. Her voice capture my undivided attention. I'm a complete mess around her.

There's a few problems though.

1. Her older brother is my best friend and has labeled her as off limits.
2. She only sees me as her older brother's weed smoking best friend.

All I have to do is convince her (and here brother) that we're made for each other. Should be a piece of cake. That is if I can pull my love struck self together and think of a plan.

Until then,
Jamie signing off.

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