Two Can Keep A Secret

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"But you said you'd keep it a secret." I shout into her face. My anger was radiating off of me in waves. Her sobs grow louder as a result of my harsh tone

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Who did you tell?" I demand in a stone cold voice. I was in no mood to be lied to and she knew it. Her eyes lift up to meet mine, pure terror laced through them.

She shakes her her. "My brother. I had to tell him."

Of course that's who she told. I nod my head once. "Is that all?"

"Yes, just him."

"Perfect." The words falls from my lips in a sigh. I reach behind me and pull my knife from the back pocket of my jeans. Really didn't want to have to do this.

Before she can react I jab her in the throat. Her eyes go wide and she begins to choke.

"I'm sorry darling, but three can keep a secret if two of them are dead."

Her eyes go wide in realization of the meaning of my words before she drops to the ground.

I pull my knife back and wipe the blood off on my jeans, they were covered in dust anyways.

Now I was hungry. Sadly that would have to wait until after I dealt with her brother. It was only a matter of time until he went and told someone. I didn't need the whole town on my case. Or dead.

First I had to get rid of her body. Good thing I had a change of clothes in my car cause this was going to get messy. Thankfully she wasn't that heavy. I was able to carry her to the truck of my car with ease. I swap her for the case of water and begin the empty the bottles over the pool of blood. Wasn't the best way to get rid of the evidence, but I was on a time crunch.

Fifteen minutes later I'm pulling into her brother's driveway. Time for part 2 of my night. This was exactly why I don't de relationships. One drunk night and you say something you shouldn't have. Can't trust anyone to keep a secrete.

"If I show you then I know you  won't tell what I said. Cause two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead..." I sing under my breath as I carry Maggie's lifeless body up to her brother's front door.

12 hours later

"Oh my god Maggie? No, that too forced."

"M-Maggie? What happened? Eh, though I'm not supposed to know she's there."

"Somebody tell-no."

I run my hand through my hair in frustration. How was I supposed to play this off? 

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