Sun Down

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His personality changed based on if the sun was up or not. During the day he was a solemn business man. At night he was the life of the party. It was fascinating to watch the transformation he goes through when the sun sets and the moon comes up. He sheds his skin of suits and ties and pulls on leather jackets and sneakers. His one slicked back hair ends up in a ruffled mess.

If you met the man at night you'd never guess he held a million dollar company in his hands. Same if you met the man during the day, you'd think he was born with a tie around his neck.

I knew the real him. The him that could make you laugh until you cry. The him that had a dimple in his left cheek that only showed when he really smiles. The man that loved romcoms.

I was the loyal assistant to the man in the tie and the best friend of the man in the leather jacket. To the world he was two different people, but to me he was one fascinating man.

This man's name was Peter Walter. He was the events director for Parks Marketing company.


We had just gotten off from a stressful day of work. Peter had meeting after meeting all day. I had to practically tackle him and shove food down his throat.

By the time we got in the car Peter was already stripping. First thing to go was his jacket, then his tie, followed by unbuttoning the top three buttons of his shirt. The tattoo on his chest peaks out as he settles back into his seat. He runs a hand through his hair succeeding in messing it up. I liked it better when it looked like he just rolled out of bed.

Peter turn to look at me and give that signature smirk. "Where to?"

I glance at the clock on the dash and realize just how late we'd worked. It was already 8:30. Thankfully I had ordered myself a pizza and forced him to eat two slices.

As exhausted as I may be I knew he wasn't ready to go home. It was Friday night, there's be no sleep for him until tomorrow.


Peter gives an approving nod and backs the car or if his reserved spot. While he drives I climb into the back seat and change our of my pencil skirt and blouse. Those were so not clubbing clothes. Lucky for him that chicks dig a guy in a suit at clubs.

This was a usual occurrence for us, getting off work late and heading straight to the club. Especially if it was a Friday night. I've learned to keep a bag in his car with a change of clothes. I'd alternate what was packed every few weeks. This time it was right pink skirt and sheer black top. Thankfully I had worn a black push-up bra to work that would look great.

I'd also become a pro at changing in a moving car. As I pull my shirt over my head I catch Peter watching me in the rear view mirror. Another common thing. Even though, his gaze still sent a warmth through my body.

"The lights green." I point out, my voice surprisingly calm.

Peter only smirks in reply, turning his attention back to the road ahead.

I take a breath to calm the butterflies in my stomach. Did I mention I might be in love with him?


"What can I get you two?" A very good looking bartender asks once he had managed to grab a spot at the bar.

"Six shots of tequila, a Corona, and a strawberry margarita." Peter orders for the both of us. We both knew our order by heart, always started with the same thing.

The bar tender nods his head then turns away to make our drinks. As we wait we turn around to look at the crowd of dancing bodies.

"See anything you like?" Peter leans over to ask, shouting above the music.

I give a quick shake of my head. As long as I wasn't looking at him I wasn't lying. "What about you?" I cave and turn to look at him. He looks over the crowd before his chocolate eyes meet mine.

"Maybe." That one word rolls off his tongue smoothly. If I didn't know any better I would think he was talking about me. But I know he doesn't see me that way.

The bartender returns with our drinks and we set to knocking back the shots. By the time the third drink has past my lips my throat burns. The pain would be worth the buzz it would give me later. We sit in silence as we drink our other drinks, our eyes watching the crowd.

I personally loved to people watch. You could catch people doing some funny things when they think no one's watching. Peter, on the other hand, just liked to take a moment and let his mind go blank. No work. No girls. Just the music and his beer.

Once our drink were gone we hit the dance floor. We danced together out of habit. The first time we had gone out to a club after work I had so many creeps trying to grind on me. Thankfully Peter came to my rescue and scared them away. Since then he danced close to me...well at least at the beginning. Towards the end of the night I let him loose so he could find a girl.

Club girls were his type and cafe boys were mine.


I'd lost track of time. All I knew was that my feet hurt and I needed to pee.

"I'm going to the restroom." I shout over the music at Peter. He gives me a lazy smile and a thumbs up. We were both buzzed and I think he was bordering on being wasted.

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