My Air

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She was my air. She was my chocolate goddess. Her name was Ruth Wallace and she was my best friend. Why on earth an angel like her had chosen to be friends with me was a mystery. Whatever the reason, she had and that's how we ended up here. This was the moment I'd been dreaming of since the fourth grade. Ruth Wallace, my best friend since pre-school, was about to kiss me. She leans in slowly, those chocolate eyes staring into mine. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was surprised I hadn't collapsed on the floor yet. Her lips were alimony touching mine when she screams my name.


My eyes flash open and I bolt upright in bed. Ruth stood at the foot of my bed. Her arms were crossed over her chest and a frown pulled her lips down.

"We're going to be late. You should have been up half an hour ago." She bites out, irritation clear in her voice.

I blink a few times at her. My mind was still processing what had apparently been a dream.

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