Only You Can Break Me - Part 1

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It was 10:05 on a Friday night when Calvin calls me.

"Hey there gorgeous."

"You drunk? You sound drunk?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Uh...a couple beers, several shots. Finished Greg's Gin and Tonic."

"You are so wasted. Who's driving you Home."

"...Tom. Nope. Sam. Sammy is. He had one beer. Or was it two? I'll call a cab."

"Good to know even when wasted you know when to call a cab."

"I'm a genius. You're dating a genius. A smiling hot genius."

"Is there a reason you're calling me?"

"I missed you and wanted to hear your voice."

"Mhm. Sure you did."

"No, I don't want a lap dance. Tony, get her off of me. Would you-"

"Cal, where are you? What's going on?"


I pull my phone away from my ear and stare down at the black screen. Did he just hang up on me? Normally I wouldn't have been concerned, but the word lap dance has my nerves on end. Where was he and what was he doing?

My curiosity and worry gets the best of me. I open Snapchat and open Tony's latest story. Calvin had mentioned him. I tap though a few videos from this morning before getting to ones that feature Calvin, Sam, and Tom. They looked to be at some sort of club. That was where Cal had said they were going. The third video caught my attention.

In the video a very scantily clothed woman walks towards Calvin, who was sat in a wooden chair. Cal was on the phone...with me. My chest tightens as I watch the woman move her body against my boyfriend. Calvin says something, but I can't hear it over the sound of Sam laughing. His phone drops from his hand, probably after he hung up on me. That's when the woman shoves her boobs in his face. The video cuts off. I shut off my phone before the next one could play. I couldn't bear to see anymore.

Calvin never said he was going to a strip club. I recognized the logo on the wall behind Calvin as the club Sam liked to frequent. My stomach starts to churn as the image of my boyfriend getting a lap dance keeps rolling around my head.

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