chapter 1

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"Please wear masks if you walk outside and do not have any psychical contact with anybody who's sick."

You tune out the TV as you get ready for school. "Zoe?" Your mom calls out quietly. "Yeah?" "School is cancelled all week. You can go back to bed if you want." You're excited but you wanted to see your best friend and fangirl about some new show you two were watching. "Oh, okay mom." She smiles sweetly and sits on the couch. You join her.

"Mom?" "Hm?" "Can we go to the store. Might as well get some stuff before people start eating each other." "Oh zoe stop talking about the 'zombie apocalypse'. It's not the end of the world. But yes we can, we need more food anyway." You get up off the couch and throw on some black rose printed converse and a black face mask. You dart to the car shouting at your mom. "MOM HURRY UP!" " I'M COMING".

she finally gets in the car and drives off. A few minutes later you arrive at Costco. "Okay Zoe, go" Your mom says as she rolls her eyes smiling. You run around the store with a cart. You're getting what you want for about 20 minutes and then you go find your mom. "MOOOOOM?" You yell around the store. "I'm here Zoe!" She calls from the aisle next to you.

"Mom I don't remember whe-" before you could finish sirens go off. "What's that?" "Somebody probably set the alarm off for stealing. What were you saying?" "I said I don't remember where the cream cheese thingys are." "Come on."

A few more minutes go by and another alarm goes off." Mom I really think something is going on up there" You say concerned. "It's hectic in here it's probably gonna happen a lot" Your mother smiles but her face quickly changes. "Customers please stay calm it is just somebody who has the flu going around, it's nothing to worry about. Please continue shopping." "Come on, it's time to go home."

You and your mom rush through the checkout and walk fast to the car. "Turn on some music." You turn the radio on and the first thing you hear is making you excited but scared. "There have been reports of people attacking others violently. It seems to be in the ones who are infected by the "flu" and we advise you to please stay in your home and avoid ALL CONTACT! If you see someone who has the flu call the police immediately. They are dangerous. Aaahhh!" The radio station goes out. "Mom?" "I know. You were right. Just hush." "See? Didn't I tell you? I told you."

You get home and unload the groceries. "Zo, these are the keys to the gun drawer. Go get what you can." "You're Letting me go into the drawer?" You raised your eyebrows surprised and enter the house. You go get pistols and grab your bow off the wall Before going back downstairs. "Here mom." "Thanks zo." "What do we do now?" "I don't know. For now I guess we keep an eye out for any infected. Watch the streets every now and then. Stay away from the windows unless it's checking. Keep the news on for updates."

You plop on the couch and your mom soon follows. "Surprised you're not squealing to your friends." "I'm giving them time to prepare for the end of the world first." "More reports are coming in about the "zombie virus". It seems to get more dangerous and contagious by the second. If you go outside be sure to wear a mask to stop from breathing it in. Scientists at the CDC are working on what happened. Please stay tuned."

"I never thought in a million years this would happen." "I did." You smile. "Well you're you." Your mom nervously laughs and gets up to make lunch. After a while there's a knock at the door.

zombie apocalypse | the fallen (book One) [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now