Hold On Till May

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(A/N): Trigger Warning- discussions of depression and self-harming

Word Count: 1485

Eren POV:

"Eren, what's going on? Who is tha-"

"-Armin, start the car, we need to go. I'll answer questions later." I interrupt hurriedly as I quickly get the back car door open and lay the unconscious Levi in the backseat. I close the door and practically throw myself into the passenger seat as Armin starts the car and drives away.

Armin drives in confused silence before he starts with his questions. "So, uh.... Why is Levi asleep?"

"He's not asleep. He won't wake up. I'm not sure what happened to him."

"So you just decided to grab him? Just like that?"

"It's not like I did it for no reason Armin." I say annoyed, but pause and turn solem again. "I'm not 100% sure, but I think he might have had a panic attack"

"Wait, why? How?"

"Well, he has tear streaks and puffy eyes, like he's been crying a lot. Also...... me and him kind of had a disagreement earlier today."

"About what?" Armin says, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I won't go into detail, but I think he might be going through something serious."

"Like depression kind of serious?"

"Yeah. I'm really worried about him, now even moreso."

We finally reach the parking lot of the apartment complex and as soon as Armin parks, I practically jump out of the car and get Levi, holding him bridal style once again. "Armin, can you get my keys and unlock my door? My hands are kind of full right now." He grabs my keys from my sweater pocket and goes ahead of me.


I lay Levi upon my couch as Armin goes to put my keys back in my usual spot. "Um, Eren? Question: What are you gonna do with Levi being here?"

"There's not really anything else to do. He doesn't seem to have any head injuries, so there's no reason to take him to the hospital. So, I guess I'm gonna wait here till he wakes up."

"And if he doesn't wake up?"

"He is going to wake up Armin. He has to...." I say, whispering the last part to more to myself than anything.

"Well, in that case, do you want me to wait with you?"

"No, Armin. It's fine. I know you have to go to work soon, and I wouldn't want to make you late."

"Okay. Thanks Eren." Armin says as he leaves for the door. He suddenly stops, as if realizing something. "You're still into him, aren't you Eren?"

I can feel myself blush slightly. "N-no, I-"

"It's fine, Eren." Armin says softly, looking into my eyes. "Just don't let those feelings take over, or else you might do something stupid and you'll end up getting hurt again."

"Can't promise you that, but I'll try."

"Alright. Good luck."

And with that. I'm left alone with Levi. I head to the kitchen to make something to eat, but can't find anything to make a decent meal with, so I end up ordering pizza.Once I get off the phone, I walk into the living room to find Levi starting to wake up.

"Hey Levi, you awake yet?" Levi's eyes slowly flutter open, then scan the room with half-lidded eyes. His eyes shoot open, realizing he's not in the classroom nor his own apartment. He sees me standing behind the couch and gives me his famous glare.

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