Chapter Five

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Little Lady

Chapter Five

His blonde hair was messy strands all over the place covered in a black beanie and his eyes looked darker but brighter. He had on completely black from beanie to Vans: a black hooded sweatshirt, black jeans and black Vans. He was gorgeous and that bothered Evelyn to some point. He was like candy but Evelyn was the diabetic; she didn’t need him or the mystery stuff with him. He was just some kid.

She cleared her throat, "I'm Evelyn and I'll be your server tonight."

Her pitch didn't rise nor fall, steady. She had her formal voice on or uncomfortable voice basically the voice she learned as her own at this point. Plain, annoyed, and bored. As if she had somewhere better and important to go.

He smiled at her; maybe it was more of a smirk like a child who knew something you didn't. "Hi."

She stared at him for a minute an awkward neck scratching glare before realizing she hadn't asked what he wanted. "What would you like to start with to drink?" she asked pulling out the small note pad and pen.

Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear she stared at him waiting for an answer. "You’re so fucking bad at this."

His amused smile made her eyes narrow. "Excuse me?"

"I'm surprised you’re not fired yet."

She almost stomped out of the place and stuck her tongue out at him, steam escaping her ears. "You little fu-"

She didn’t care if it was unprofessional of her, he was him so why did it matter? He pushed her buttons and made her feel the need to rip his head off though he barely knew her.

"It's not proper for a lady to swear."

"Who the fu-?"

"My fucking god, don't swear love! It doesn't fit you!"

She gave up on him; he was so... "What would you like to start with?" she asked with a sigh.

His rude personality seemed to disappear and be replaced with a jokey idiot. Evelyn felt some type of way about this.

She was so fucking annoyed.

"A Pepsi."

"Whatever." She muttered walking away.

The night had gone on; she glared at him from a far, brain clouded with thoughts as he ate his burger. He looked up at her with his dark blue eyes and smirked looking down, again. She checked up on him the least she could and then collecting her tip she grabbed her bag and left. As she walked home she heard someone call after her.


She looked over and felt herself wanting to correct the person but she was tired and annoyed. Of course it was him, Z or whatever the boy's name was. "What?"

The parking lot was silent other than their voices echoing through the air. "Want a ride?"


And she walked home but he kept calling for her. Finally she stopped and yelled. "It's Evelyn!"

“Damn, no need to get mad Eleanor. I’m just being nice.”

She stared dead at him. “That’s not even close to my name.”

“Well do you want a ride home or not?”

It was late at night, she lived in a terrible neighborhood and would either mugged, killed or worse. She could barely fight him off with her 5’3 frame that barely had any meat on it but she did have a pocket knife tucked away in her bag…

“Whatever.” She walked around the car into the passenger seat.

Teenagers by My Chemical Romance came on and she found herself trying hard not to jam out to it. It was her favorite song and had a killer guitar solo.

They're gonna clean up your looks,

with all the lies in the books

To make a citizen out of you.” Zac belted out staring at Evelyn.

Because they sleep with a gun

And keep an eye on you, son

So they can watch all the things you do.” He pointed to her .

Oh God.

“Because the drugs never work

They're gonna give you a smirk

'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean.

They're gonna rip up your heads

Your aspirations to shreds

Another cog in the murder machine.”

With a clenched jaw Evelyn tried to stop from singing the chorus biting hard on her lip. This song was a weakness. Then she couldn’t take it and something crazy happened she began to belt out the chorus loudly.

“They say that teenagers scare the living shit out of me

They could care less as long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me.”

They head banged to the song laughing and screaming the song loudly. And a spark grew in her chest though she didn’t notice it because you never know your up until your back down. But she felt the light the carefree feeling. Both of them just being teenagers or being happy. The song was perfect; the idea of being one of those kids scared both of them but they both knew that maybe being ignorant was a bad thing just a stupid thing.

The song ended and they laughed with a sigh. The blonde boy looked over at Evelyn and smiled. “So maybe you are a teenager you scared me for a minute.”

She didn’t reply but smiled, maybe.

“Thanks...” she had no idea what his name was.

“Z or Zac.”

She smiled and left walking into her crappy apartment then suddenly realized what her life really was when she heard the neighbors screaming at each other again but maybe pretending could get her there. Or it would just hit her in the face later.

Authors Note:

So last chapter was wicked small. Apologies it was kind of a little boost chapter. This was a fluffy chapter but we'll get there. Oops! So I was thinking of changing the name of this book to Teenagers but then I was like well...

That would involve me . . .

1.      Changing the cover

2.      The poem to the prologue

3.      Some of the summary

4.      And other stuff I’m too lazy to do.


When will Little Lady be completed?

Honestly I don’t really know. It matters on how lazy I get. Either end of summer or begging of fall. Possibly the beginning of winter.

How many chapters are you planning to make Little Lady?

Probably 24-30. It’s a pretty large plot when I get into it.


Haha. So funny story. I’ll take it off hold in fall when its gold out. See what I did there ;).

Why are you so annoying?

I’m that amazing.

Peace Out,


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