Chapter Seven

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Little Lady

Chapter Seven

Evelyn was pulled through sweaty bodies and smacked into a couple walls on the way to the unknown destination. All thanks to the idiot blonde she'd probably end up with a bump on her forehead. He seemed to be determined to get to some important place but where would he go in a club that was in all honesty: ghetto. She simply stared at his back -because he was so tall- and every couple of steps she stumbled into him. She had tried to pull him back but she was no match for his strength.

Great, just fucking incredible.

Then she found herself being dragged into a room. It was completely dark and Evelyn found her heart beating faster and her pulse getting crazier. the darkness started to swallow her and her breathing began to speed up. She felt she was lost in a dark pit. Before anything severe could happen the lights switched on and she got a good look of the room. It was not big enough to be a bedroom but not small enough to be a closet, maybe a bit bigger than a janitors closet. But instead of racks of Windex and Clorox the place had a couch the color of deep red and an old TV. There was another door that said Exit in large print on top of the door in red neon.

She sighed and felt herself relaxing until she realized that she was stuck in a small room with annoy boy she knew nothing about, where no one could hear her. The luck she had.

Her bag was in the truck tucked away under the seat. She had left it in the car taking out a crumpled ten dollar bill shoving it into her front pocket. Thing was she didn't shove her pepper spray or blade in her pocket with the damned useless money.

"So after dragging me here like a wild animal you stay silent-"

"I remember you now."

By those words she froze. Her heart stopped and rammed into her chest like a bull and she felt her jaw drop and she thought she might just cry. Somehow those words had a double meaning. Did he remember her or her? Somehow that made the biggest difference.

"I remember you too, dragging me here like a god damned psycho! Are you sick or something?" She felt the urge to knock on the side of his head for the effect.

"No, the fight I saw you. I remember arguing with you. But my question is..." He paused, oh the suspense. "Why would you be there?" He pointed to her. "I now realize you’re not just any girl, you’re...different. Not like the girls in this town, you knew this place and knew how to act at the fights but once you’re in danger you stop and freeze like you’re...remembering something. Why is that so?"

She couldn't jus tell him that making a facade was easy. Acting big and tough so people could fuck off was easy but actually being big and tough was where the probably came to place. She was still that little girl deep down and she couldn't help act naive and scared sometimes, flinching away from people and wanting to roll up in a ball and die when she heard a loud noise. But what could she do? As much as she tried the memories strained her mind like red juice on a white t-shirt. When Evelyn tried washing the stain away it faded but it was still there like the memories.

Little LadyWhere stories live. Discover now