Chapter Eight

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Little Lady

Chapter Eight

"You look just like her." He spat out smacking her face with the back of his hand.

Evelyn fell into the wall with watery eyes making sure she wouldn't cry, she was saving those tears. Though it had only been three months she knew how this worked. The pain still hurt, it always would, but she had learned something about dealing with it. Pretend it wasn't there. She took a deep breath and waited for the next hit.

"Those eyes..." He whispered sickly as he gripped her neck slamming her head into the wall. "There just like that slut's!"

Her eyes, her hair, her body, everything was just like hers.She was beautiful and that disgusted him. She was just like Talia. He hated the glow that shined in her eyes, the sparkle that twinkled. He wanted to take that away from her and feed it to his demons. The ones he would share with her like he had done to Talia. He would make her a monster, and hurt her until her bright green eyes were a dark ugly gray. He wanted to turn her into the creature Talia broke him into. With that dumb boy who like his father only wanted to get his hands on some cheap drugs he wouldn't care about that girl.

She fell to the floor knocked out. And he walked away tired. "Those eyes."


She walked through the halls with a urge to skip her next class and just go home and sleep but being absent wouldn't get her a high school diploma. Lost in her thoughts she didn't notice that the blonde boy stared at her. He was leaned against some freshies locker waiting for Evelyn. She was snatched out of her mind when she was being pulled into a janitors closet. Looking up she saw Zac. His blond hair was swooped right above his eyes and he had a grey beanie on, a red and black flannel opened to see his black t-shirt, black jeans and black Vans. She thanked it was dark and he couldn't see her blush by how she had just checked him out. She looked around the closet. It reeked of mold with racks and racks of bleach and Windex.

Did he have some thing for dragging me into closets?

Atleast the last one had a little more class.

"Seems to be the only way to get you to talk to me." he muttered and she realized she said that outloud and wanted to just slap herself in the face.

"You can't just stop and ask to talk to me? Maybe act like a normal person." she said just so she had something to say back so she wasn't as humiliated by herself.

He ran his hand through his hair. "You wouldn't have listened."

She coudn't deny that. She probably would have just ignored him and gave him a crazy look.

"And this isn't a topic to speak about in public." his voice was hushed, the dim light of the closet making him seem more like a mystery,

She stayed quiet. "You know you always seem to attract danger..."he paused. "Walking alone on a street of rapist and killers, coming into my car, tell me what if I were to bring a knife to your neck and kill you?"

When she went to speak he kept going. "And going out with some people you barely knew...going to that fight."

She froze and noticed how bipolar he was. He always seemed to act so different, protective, mysterious, dumb and dangerous. But she had been around that all her life, the risk of getting killed was nothing new to her. She didn't care much before that sometimes she forgot of her plan of not being the daughter of a man who didn't love her, the daughter of a woman who sent her off so she could get her hands on some drugs without having the cries of a baby. She was just a mistake but maybe she could change that.

"Who are you?"

Evelyn was surprised, She didnt even know the answer to that. Who was she? The abused girl, the girl who was always behind in her classes because she was afraid to ask questions when she was lost because she was afraid of getting beat up, or maybe just the dumb girl who got involved in all the wrong things? She was just a mess, She was trying to find who she was but she was just so lost.

Her emerald green eyes met up to his, "I don't know."

She felt dumb but that was the truth. She didn't know. And she couldn't even think of a lie to tell him.

He sighed giving her a look, one of pity a look of pure sadness. "But your so familiar..."

What? She wasn't sure what he meant when he said that. She was pretty sure the first time she saw him he was throwing fist in a ring; But what if he knew her before that? What if he knew her past? Before she left him.

"You have me mistaken for someone else, sorry."'

"But those eyes..." he whispered reaching to touch her cheek but she flinched away. He wasn't drunk and she wasn't tired or dumb or as confused.

"I'm not her, whoever your looking for."

"I-It's those eyes," he whispered.

She froze, her eyes?


Author's Note:

Hola! How are all you lovelie people? IT IS SUMMER! Finally! I'm in a decent mood so I may be updating more. So the eyes huh? I still haven't revealed who Flo was if it wasn't really obvious.

This chapter was short I'm wicked sorry! Next chapter will be longer I promise! But TWO MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL??! This year went by really fast and I think I'll have LL finished by either next spring or this winter. I dunoo...

The plot is forming! Yay!

I recently read TFIOS. But I didn't cry...

I'm insensitve but it was an amazing book that I was flipping through looking for the last pages.

Well I will shut up so I can leave you peoples alone.


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