I wish I was tall, I wish I was fast,
wish I could show up with a bag full of cash'
Cause if I wan you, I gotta have that
(Come, come kiss me boy)
I wish I had style, I wish I had flash,
I wish I woke up with a butt and a rack'
Cause if I want you, I gotta have that
(Come, come kiss me boy)
I woke up to the sound of my phone playing I wish by Cher Lloyd. As you can tell, I have a different song for every day so something new to wake up to. Also when I woke up it was a new feeling my wrists didn't hurt. I smiled at the thought of what Cameron texted me last night, and the thought that today I was going to be hanging out with him made me smile even more. A real smile not a fake one.
I got out of my bed and before heading down to the kitchen I got a shower. After I was finished I blow dried my hair which took forever, then straightened it. I went to my closet and found and outfit. And I actually tried to look good today. My outfit was white ripped shorts, a 5 seconds of summer crop top, and lastly, my black vans. I did my make up some cover up eye liner, mascara, and some chap stick.
I went out to the kitchen to find another note just like yesterday, and it basically read the same thing that my aunt and uncle will be home around dinner and Connor is at a friends house again. Damn that kid is more popular than me, well actually everyone is more popular then me. I set the note back down on the counter, and went in Hayden's room, she was already awake and trying to find something to wear. I finished helping her get ready and took her down to the kitchen for some breakfast. We didn't have any cereal left so Hayden had toast instead.
"So are you excited to go to Cameron's to play with Lucy" I asked Hayden
"Ya,I like Lucy, she's funny" She said back
"I'll be back, I'm going to text Cam to see when we should come."
I ran up to my room and took my phone off the charger and texted Cameron
To: Cam the sexy beast <3: Hey what time should Hayden and I come over?
From Cameron: in about 20 minuets here's my address ( insert an address)
To Cameron: Ok thanks I guess see you then bye
From Cameron: see you then, bye beautiful
His last text made me shiver, I wondered how he could even call me beautiful with out throwing up. No one ever called me that it was either 'slut' or 'whore'. He probably wouldn't be nice to me if he went to my school and saw my life. He would probably just join in with everyone else and I would have one more bully to add to the list. But something was different about him, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Last night when he was leaving and said bye beautiful I almost believe that he actually meant it.
After I was done daydreaming I walked down stairs and found Hayden playing with her dolls.
"Hey Hayden let me do your hair we leave to go to Cameron's in 20 minuets."
"ok" she said walking over to me so I can do her hair
I did tow French braid in her hair and it was time to go. We hoped into my car and I played some music to make the ride seem to not take as long Thank You by MKTO was playing, and Hayden and I sang at the top of our lungs the words. Before we knew it we were at the Dallas's house. I went up and knocked on the door, and Cameron opened it. He smiled as soon as he saw me, which again confused me why would he be happy to see me I'm just some girl from the park.

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**
FanfictionLove doesn't last forever It was all a mistake One more cut Bye world This is a story about a girl named Alyssa. her parents are separated and she lives with her aunt and uncle in California. Her aunt and uncle are clueless of what she is going thro...