Cameron's pov
Her lifeless body just lying there, I was frozen I didn't know what to do.
I quickly took out my phone and dialed 911
"Hello 911 what's your emergency" the lady said in a calm voice, but her voice was not calming me down
"Pl-e-ase send an ambulance n-now please my wife she's passed out on the floor" I said stuttering so much because of the tears I was shocked the lady could understand me.
She asked me for my adress I gave it to her she then said an ambulance will be there shortly.
I hung up and kept trying to wake her up but she wouldn't wake up. I was just praying over and over again for god to pull out a merical and she will live.
I heard sinrens minuets later they came rushing in. I shouted for them to come up here were Alyssa was. Those moments of watching watching them pick her up and put her on the stretcher felt like they were going in slow motion. Like in a movie when a dramatic part comes on and everything just moves so slow. Thats what it felt like.
I couldn't hear anything all I could hear was my breathing and my pounding heart, faint voices in the background. Of the perimetics telling each other what to do and that they need to get to the hospital fast.
I was brought back to reality when I saw them leave our bedroom. I quickly ran out to the ambulance were Alyssa was now in. I claimed in the back with the perimedic. And we began our journey to the hospital.
Nash's pov
"Dalanie is such a good baby" Yasmin said walking in with a sleeping Dalanie rested on her shoulder.
"I know, I just can't wait for ours to get here" I said smiling as I walked over to Yas placing my hands on her baby bump.
"I have an appointment next week to find out the gender" Yas said
"Do you want a boy or girl?" She asked looking at me with curiosity
"Honestly I don't care, boy or girl I will love it the same" I said earning a big smile from her.
"We should think o-...." Yasmin was about to say when all of a sudden we heard sirens.
And they weren't like a couple blocks or so away sirens. They were right out our front door sirens. Yasmin and I looked at each other confused, then a both of our eyes widen with fear.
I make a dash for the front door leaving Yasmin to deal with Dalanie. I get out side to the end of our drive way. I'm horrified of what I see. I have no words there I stood mother open tears threning my eyes.
I couldn't move it was like I was paralized. Perimedics running out with a girl on a stretcher. Not just any girl but Alyssa, next is Cam running out right after and quickly jumping in the back with the perimedics.
Then they drove off. After I ce out of my stage of shock I quickly ran back inside.
"Yasmin get yourself and Dalanie in the car NOW!" I shouted grabbing the keys
"Nash what's going on babe..." She shouted but then her voice lowered.
"You will see" I said nice and calm "Now come on let's go there's no time to waist" I said running out the door hoping into our car.
Yasmin soon joined with Dalanie quickly buckling her in the seat in the back. I backed out of our driveway and began the drive to the hospital.
The car ride was silent, Yasmin probably had many things going through her mind like...

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**
FanfictionLove doesn't last forever It was all a mistake One more cut Bye world This is a story about a girl named Alyssa. her parents are separated and she lives with her aunt and uncle in California. Her aunt and uncle are clueless of what she is going thro...