JC pov
I hit record on my camera we and we began.
"What's up guys... JC here, and I am keeping my promise by doing these weekly videos on my main channel. Also I have a very special guest here with me my new friend Alyssa"
"Hi guys" she waved into the camera
"So before this I tweeted out for y'all to ask me some questions using the hash tag #AskJCLis and y'all got that trending so that's amazing"
"So lets get this started"
"ok fist question Alyssa, how old are you?"
"I am 17 just turned last month" she stated with a little laugh. God she's so cute.
"Ok umm... aren't you the girl from YouTube who sings?" I asked in a confused voice. I looked up at Alyssa and she had a semi smile
"Well yes I am guys, and I'm sorry that I haven't posted any of my new songs or any covers. But most likely tomorrow expect one of my new songs I wrote" she stated proudly into the camera.
I just looked at her in amazement I never knew she was on YouTube, I never knew she sang and wrote songs. I'm gonna have to check her out later.
We answered a couple more questions then we ended the video. I learned a lot about her. That her favorite color is pink, her parents are separated and she lives with her aunt and uncle.
"So what are we going to do know?" Lis asked
"We should go swimming" I suggested
"I would but I dont have a suite"
"Andrea probably has one here that you can use" I told her
I then went up to Kian's room to see if Andrea did leave a bathing suit here.
"Hey Kian" I shouted entering his room
"What's up man"
"Dose Andrea have a suite here that she left that Lis can use?" I asked
"Ya here" Kian said handing me the bathing suit
"Thanks man" I said walking out
"Hey JC can I ask u something" Kian asked stopping me
"Ya sure man" I said walking back
"Do really like Alyssa?" Kian asked giving me a 'i know you do' look
"Well um ya kind of like we just met and I dont know if u know but dude she's pregnant" I said the last part in a whisper
"Ya I knew Andrea told me, but dude if that makes you think any differently of her than that's just wrong" Kian said turning back around in his computer chair.
"That doesn't make me think any differently of her, I just want to get to know her more, and if we do end up going out then I'm going to treat that baby just like my own." I stated proudly
"That's my boy JC now go get to know your future wife" Kian joked pushing me out the door.
Cameron's pov
5 weeks 5 weeks its been fricken 5 weeks since Lis has left. And I'm not getting any better.
I now sitting on my bed just starring at my computer chair were Lis to always sit.
I refuse to go near it let alone sit in it.
Every time I look at it I see Lis sitting there with her legs crossed messing with her hair. And spinning around talking to me.
Those were the happiest days of my life the days I wish I could have back, I just wish I could go back to the day that Kayla came over and I could change everything of that day. And none of this would of happened, and I would still be happy with my love of my life in my arms.
I was taken out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. Every time my phone rings I always hurry up and look to see if its Lis but it never is.
It was my friend Nash texting me. Nash and I started to become friends since we both started to get tons of followers on vine.
And the only reason why I started to do vine was because I love to make people happy and I thought that if I was getting positive feedback then maybe my mood will change. It helped a little I made some new friends out of it like Nash.
Nash~ hey cam were r u did u forget u were supposed to pick me up at the airport
Cam~ oh shit srry man be there in a minute
Nash is staying at my house for a couple weeks.
**Nash and Cam back at the house**
"These next couple weeks are going to be fun" Nash said sitting down on my bed
"Yes they are" I replied
For a minute I forgot about Alyssa.
Nash's pov
I'm staying at Cams for a couple weeks, we are part of the same management so getting to know each other is probably better for everything.
Cam is older than me but we still get along very well.
Cam has told me about his missing girlfriend and it's really sad actually. He told me he has given up in trying to find her, but I know he hasn't.
"Oh my god Nash" Cam said motioning for me to come over to his computer
"What is it?" I asked walking over
"It's... its Lis" he said in disbelief
I stared at the computer screen then looked back at Cameron. He had tears in the brim of his eyes.
"She's still alive" he said in a whisper
The video was on her channel and she just uploaded it and hour ago. It was a cover to 'The Last Night' by skillet.
And her voice was amazing, and the song from what I heard explained Cam and hers relationship perfectly.
That she use to be shy and quiet, then Cam came along and now look at her. I think Cameron did leave out a very big part of the story but I didn't bother to ask. He would tell me sooner or later.
"Cam are you alright" I asked
"Ya just she's not here" He said closing his laptop and letting the tears pour out.
"Umm Cam I think you should see this" I said motioning for him to come back over to his laptop. It was another video with Alyssa in it but with some guy in it.
"Sh.. she already got over me" he said the words barley above a whisper
"Dude I think they are just friends the title says 'Questions for a new friend'
"But ya 2 days later and they will be dating, Nash I screwed up big time. I can never get her back I dont even know were shes at" He said shoving his face in his pillow
I didn't know what to tell him because he did fuck up. He cheated on her. But I have this feeling that there paths will cross again.
**Author's Note**
So umm ya Nash is now in the book lol. this is supper short I'm srry. but its just a filler and maybe since last 2 chapters were soo short I may have a third update idk. But thx again for the reads tell ur friends vote comment, and lastly u can follow me on my social media's
instagram @alyssapage11
Twitter @lyssa_cloud_11
kik lyssadallas11

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**
FanfictionLove doesn't last forever It was all a mistake One more cut Bye world This is a story about a girl named Alyssa. her parents are separated and she lives with her aunt and uncle in California. Her aunt and uncle are clueless of what she is going thro...